Chapter 31- Silence and skill

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Morning dew clung tightly to the crisp coloured leaves that scattered all along the ground. As the dawn had just proceeded to arrive, hints of dark navy sky and mist that seemed lost in the air levitating delicately in the forests and around the mountains. Down in Paris, torches burned dimly in the streets that barely lit up the remaining dark from the sky. All and all, it was beautiful. A true sight to behold.

Up earlier than he had been in recent weeks, Quasimodo stood silently with only the breeze and his breath as the accompanying sound

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Up earlier than he had been in recent weeks, Quasimodo stood silently with only the breeze and his breath as the accompanying sound. The south tower of Norte Dame rested in the pitch black observing all around it as it had done all of his life. The night that was just sweeping away had been a rough one as Quasi had not been able to shut his eyes once. He knew that it wood be time soon to ring the bells and perform his daily duties but there was something in these moments, the unattended, uninterrupted times in life that pushed back all the fuss and bother that situate themselves throughout the day and gave way to opportunities for real reflection and self evaluation. Crinkling his eyes shut for a second, the young bell ringer inhaled all the darks majestic splendour and how simple all his feelings felt in that moment but he knew the moment they were to leave his lips, they would tangle and mingle together like burning metal forging in a fire.

Exhaling modestly with his eyes still closed, as soon as his breathing reverted normally again they twinkled open to a feeling in his gut that only grew stronger. His heart paced quicker and stronger as the milliseconds ticked by until he grasped his chest to feel its urgency. Gulping loudly, he knew why and who was making his chest scream to be released from its boney cage of ribs. One and only one woman had unlocked such feelings he had only read about in books. The thoughts of her heart, her kindness, her beauty. How she had dropped into his life like an angel only she was worth more than an angel. Yes she had been the first woman ever in his life and the only person to ever so genuine compassion toward him but this was not infatuation! When they had first met he had been enamoured by her gorgeous, unearthly beauty of face and yes of course she was beautiful no mortal creature could doubt that but this! This transcended beyond skin deep affection...all moments he remembered their time together, their conversations and their vulnerability toward each other had quasi giddy and scared and hopeful of all that she was! A small smile curled up upon his lips until he shook his head out of the fantasy in his head. He let go of the stone wall and introspectively walked back into the bell tower.

Arriving back into his home, an attractive and gratifying vision popped into his mind. Echoes of their laughter, their tears and their triumphs. Her voice and soul had become woven into the very foundations and fabric of this cathedral, a time now that he could not picture her not being here! It simply did not feel right or complete if she were not there!

Pondering these distant ideas, Quasi then met with the glow of the candles that rested atop of the wooden table where all had been righted again. Now back as it was, his replica complete with Snows figurine next to his own. Finally it seemed normal again. Their painting adjacent to the table still hung proudly on the wooden beam. Smiling at its value, sentimentality oozed out of it. He walked pensively over toward the dense wooden table before taking a seat at his usual place on one of the stools. A sigh emerged from him that seemed to have been built up over a long period of time. As Quasi stared quizzically at the ground, gradually his head tilted to his left where in the corner...sleeping peacefully was the woman who had conjured these feelings of affection.

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