Chapter 44- Heavens Light

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Just a little disclaimer, this chapter turned out way longer than I wanted but thanks for reading x

Smoke billowed up from the ground below as if filled Quasimodo and Snows lungs. It's putrid feel in their airways made them want to cough uncontrollably. Whilst dangling from the gargoyle, their eyes remained wide and fleeting as they continuously kept looking up as they heard Frollos approaching footsteps.

Up above, Frollo leaned against the stone wall readying himself to pounce. Eyes ghoulish and determined, he soon jumped out from his hiding spot with sword in hands only to be met by nothing. Ominous corners of darkness made it harder to see as the daylight seemed to be taking its time in arriving. Moving his eyes from side to side, a hunch over came the minister. Moving slightly closer to the edge, the radiant but chaotic fires from down below illuminated his face. Swiftly he soon pounced revealing Snow and Quasi's terrified expressions at seeing Frollos psychotic face.

"Leaving so soon?!" He sarcastically grinned, sword held high above his head. With a quick swing, the minister cut into the gargoyle which they hung from.

With quick thinking, Quasi pushed his feet back against the wall moving them out of the range from Frollos sword. Gripping tighter, Snow looked down briefly was the city moved backwards and forwards in time with their moments. Heaving in her breath, she averted her eyes upwards again revealing Frollos demonic eyes and gritted teeth.

Down in the crowd, amongst the blood and battle beaten shoulders a brief cry from an on looker called the crowds attention from the fighting. "LOOK UP THERE!" He cried, whilst pointing to the gargoyles of the cathedral. It's high, imposing form revealed 3 tiny dots jiving along its front face.

Phoebus turned upwards, removing his grip from the man he had collared. Through first blurred vision Phoebus soon realised that Snow, Quasi and Frollo we're moving unnaturally along the cathedrals front face. Gasping the captain could not move his eyes away from the sight. Others also had abandoned the fighting as they watched the 3 figures.

As Frollo grunted from his missed shot, he tried once more, holding up his sword ready to strike.

"HANG ON!" Quasi screeched. Tightening his grip on Snow, the bell ringer launched himself to the next gargoyle almost missing it. His gigantic hands displayed such strength as he gripped the stone with all his might.

Quasimodo held the coarse stone with two hands before releasing his grip catching the next statue tightly despite the moisture in his palms making it harder to hold tight. Quickly hoisting up his sword, Frollos stumbled along before taking his aim. Raising himself up onto the gargoyle, the bell ringer pulled Snows hands from around his neck and onto the next gargoyle. Fast footed, Quasi moved his left foot just at the precise moment the Frollos blade came crashing back down onto the centuries old stone.

As the minister tugged at his sword, wiggling at it to retrieve it Quasimodo lifted Snow over the ledge resting herself against the stone railing. Panting from such exercise, she turned around tugging on Quasimodo's hand trying to pull him over with her. Just at that moment, Frollos ferociously strong arms lowered the sword down once more almost catching Quasi's leg. The bell ringer lay on his back as he shuffled himself closer to the ledge. Eyes dilated, Quasimodo eventually managed to hoist himself over where through Bated breath stood facing the man who had brought them on this ridiculous journey in the first place.

"Ha...I should have know you'd risk your life trying to save that gypsy witch...typical you Quasimodo. You always were the fool...damning yourself by her treacherous seduction" scowling with disgust, the minister formed a slight sickly smile.

"K-keep away from us" he muttered as loud as he could, spreading his arm out to protect Snow who stood behind him.

"Do you know that I always thought you to be somewhat of an idiot...watching you grow, day in day out. I'd like to say I'm proud of you, but I've always been more than disappointed by you. Don't worry, you will not have to be my problem any longer" Frollo theatrically waved his arms about whilst a turbulent wind cascaded through his bleak grey hair.

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