Chapter 29- Watching and seeing

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3 days later

Swollen clouds drifted high above accompanied by the toppling, weighty downpour of rain that lashed to the ground. The darkness of that morning in France seemed all to odd, even with it now being autumn the season that the shadows made their comeback.

An eerie and dead air silence cornered the now sleepy ghost village from where Snow White had previously ran from. Their streets that had welcomed the wealthiest and most coveted in society were now a tumble weed in the frantic of time. And all the while, in the house that stood out from all the others for its natural beauty, now bathed in the blood of the dead and the rotting. Corpses littered and stained the floors of the courtyard, leading into the house where all had been discarded and ruined the finally into Rosalines chambers where she stood majestically admiring her retained beauty in the pristine mirror. She adorned a crown above her head as a metaphor to her triumph while her regalia consisted off a gold embellished dress that shined like the very sun of the heavens and her rich, metallic blonde hair flowed effortlessly around her.

"Mirror...mirror on the ...wall" she asked confidently. Her eyes fully awake with power "who is the fairest...of them all?" Half whispering, Rosalines lips turned upwardly into a callous smirk while death and destruction ventured all around her.

"Well, well...Well...the petrichor and rain wave, the cold wind doth blow and and still there seems no sign of Snow!" The mirror mocked, its toothless, bottomless pit of a smile beamed jokingly at Rosaline. But she showed no sign of doubt.

"Haha!" It cackled disingenuously as if it enjoyed watching her squirm "For you, a woman who has sought to extremities to retain her power and beauty...the truth today remains the same...for Snow White is fairer yet again!" The looking glass grumbled with its deep voice.

"It will not be for long...I know that now! For she is all I need for my spell, my families spell to be complete! And now that...every stinking wretch that ever existed in this village has been devoured by me, I have enough beauty to last until the final day...the day of reckoning will come! And I will have my final prize!" Rosaline whispered deviously but with clarity toward her looking glass.

Hush followed, the only creak coming from the embers of the fire and titter of candles near her as she stared in a coma like ecstasy at the man in the mirror opposite her

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Hush followed, the only creak coming from the embers of the fire and titter of candles near her as she stared in a coma like ecstasy at the man in the mirror opposite her.

"Do you remember it?...the day my mother died and I knew that you were mine? Passed down from daughter to daughter since time has began...and all of my family...FAILED TO CARRY OUT THE BASIC INSTRUCTION THAT WE HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO FOLLOW!! What was it?! You remember all of my ancestors, what caused them all to fail in obtaining absolute perfection?!" She asked animatedly, walking in circles around the decomposing bodies that squatted the room.

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