Chapter 23- Getting to know you part 2

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Ephemeral, was how the time had passed since Quasi and Snow began their conversation. Cold, autumnal air had serenaded them close toward the burning of the candles that were situated around the crafty bell tower. Each closer now from when they originally started.

Such closeness had called into question higher worries that soon had become priority for both of them so as calmness descended upon them, Snow dove into her major dilemma.

"Snow, what is it?" Quasimodo queried, drawing his brows further together.

"No it's nothing really...well it might not be nothing. When we talked about...imagining things that others would...QUESTION! I think is the word, it called me back to when I was younger. I saw...something...Something...inhuman" she spoke delicately, slightly dubious as to whether or not Quasi would believe such a thing. Pausing in between revelations, Snow wanted to proceed carefully and not to rashly so that Quasimodo would think her mad.

"Inhuman?...I-i don't understand" shaking his head with uncertainty, Quasi felt intrigued as to what she could be referring too.

For how could she reveal something she saw so long ago and not think it just the ramblings of a grieving woman? Snow closed her heavy lids then tucking her curls behind both ears, prepared to share her tale, her odious ordeal.

"It was a long time ago but, I remember it as if I lived it only yesterday...I remember I wandered, wandered deep into the darkest parts of the house. Or my stepmothers quarters since my father gave them to her...I walked down the corridor toward her door, I knew I shouldn't be walking down their but...I don't know.." Snow drew breath while her hands fidgeted "walls so dark, darker than I remember them being. But slight light coming from inside the I got closer. And then...I saw it!"

Hitching in a long breath, Snow then locked eyes with Quasi. He noticed her intensity and seriousness as he tenderly looked back, letting her know he was ready to listen.

"A blinding light that came from her mirror...her mirror that obtained the wall just beside the window. And then I looked into it...a face appeared, a distorted face with pitch black eyes. Rosaline walked towards it, her eyes wild and arms outstretched widely. Then it they both spoke!" A tremble escaped her while recounting the horrid memory. Quasi now realised this was now mere fairytale concoction or riddles from wise old story tellers.

"She peered deep into its eyes and chanted some sort of code or spell. But it was a question ...something like, 'magic mirror on t-the wall' no not that! Oh I'm not sure, then something to do with 'fairest of them all?' All of a sudden, a mist descended upon the room and swirled until it soon answered her, 'You my lady are the fairest of them all' to which the greed...the rage that followed! I-I was so scared that day, I had multiple nightmares for months after a-and to this day I-I still have no real conclusion to what I saw!" Quiet tears ran down Snows cheeks. The discreteness of their presence alarmed Quasimodo as once he spotted them, he leant forward to clasp Snows warm but shaking hand.

Snow became lost in her thoughts while staring into space but her delayed response to Quasi's touch troubled him. Completely inconsolable, he knew that Snow must have very painful thoughts attached to such a memory. But after a few moments he felt it appropriate enough to break her reflective thinking.

"B-but...a talking mirror? Completely black eyes?" Saying it didn't come naturally to him, as Quasi had only heard of such things in the books he read and re-read as a child.

"I understand that it sounds insane...but I promise you it's the truth!" Snow persisted. Saying out loud, she felt embarrassed for even bringing it up. But she looked desperately toward Quasi for understanding, reassurance of his belief.

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