Chapter 37- Preparing

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As the weight of his muscles grew heavy from the endless retaliation against his supposed captures, Phoebus began to feel himself grow weaker under the strain. But suddenly the opposition started to loosen their grip on him, starting to stare at him confusingly. The man in front of him was tall, heavy set and had deep imposing, void like eyes complimented by his olive skin and dark hair.

"Hold on!" The man shouted to the men who had Phoebus locker in their grasp and gagged at the mouth.

Studying him, surveilling him closely the man then brought out a toothy smile.

"Hey it's alright...this man is a friend...drop your weapons!" Ordering his men to halt, he then squeezed the captains shoulders with joy. Phoebus was eternally baffled and confused by this. His slight flinch when the man squeezed his arms could be also seen on his face.

"Oh I see that you are worried my friend but don't are Phoebus!" His toothless grin and repulsive breath only added to his mystery as Phoebus now more than ever was convinced that he had never met this man in his life.

"D-do I know you?" His voice was filled with noticeable fear but it still contained that deep tone. Pulling his cape back around to its normal position, Phoebus stepped back a little.

"No no you don't but we know you...our friend Mannie got word to us about you...told us that you knew of Frollos weakness and how you can stop him?!" The man smiled proudly while crossing his arms. He stood about a foot taller than Phoebus but combined with his ginormous hat it looked more like two feet.

"B-but Mannie is locked up in the palace of justice back in the city? How did he get word to you?" Phoebus asked dumbfounded.

"Ahhh...we have our ways!" The tall man boasted, gaining a grin from his colleagues.

"Oh a-are you all in on something that I don't know?!" Looking around him, Phoebus pointed at each of them for emphasis.

"Not just yet my friend...oh and by the way, my name is Duke since you didn't ask!" The man grumbled with a hint of sarcasm. Duke bent down to a sack he had on the ground and started to rummage around it in.

"Oh...yeah...sorry about that" pulling his lip in, Phoebus scratched the back of his head apologetically.

"It is no are willing to sacrifice yourself in honour of my people...for that we are humbly and our families.." the man rose up from the ground then welcomingly patted Phoebus's shoulder.

"Your families?" Turning in his brows, the ex captain felt bewildered as all he saw were men that was until Duke turned slowly to look past the forest and bushes. Then as timidly as the snow flakes that fell toward the earth, from the shadows more than 100 gypsies entered the clearing. Mothers, daughters, sons, brothers and grandparents and friends. All sizes and faces but what didn't change was the distinct dark hair and olive skin.

Wide eyes greeted him and he them as they watched Phoebus intently. Duke still had his hand on Phoebus's shoulder as he gazed at his family proudly. They looked frightened, vulnerable. As if this scene was not complete. Then it dawned on him, some of the people here may not have all of their family members here. They could have been taken away or killed by Frollos hands.

"Of course...not all of us are left. We have 4 generations almost 5 generations of families here...but not some are gone. Slaughtered by Frollo and his goons. For over 20 years we have wanted nothing but to raise our families in peace. But as you can see, hiding has been the only way we can!" Duke spoke but didn't face Phoebus only when he had finished. Sorrow filled his eyes, desperation lingered on his mouth.

"How have you not been captured?" Was all Phoebus could ask after an unbreakable silence.

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