Chapter 40- What did you expect?

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No sound had left the bell tower and no sound had entered either. As all the candles had engulfed themselves, the heat had gone to be replaced by a deathly ice cold breeze blowing in from the rafters. Quasimodo sat on his stool looking down sombrely at the wooden doll in his hands. Sensitively he brushed his fingers over its tiny features, its small face decorated with a smile. Pale skin and charcoal black hair nestled stunningly around it. A small grin graced Quasi's lips as he stared at its beauty in his humongous hands. The only source of light that allowed him to see was a small streak of moonlight filling in from the cracks in the rafters which he not so long ago would look out of and wonder and aspire as to what that outside world had to offer.

He'd waited a few hours at least in the same position waiting for her to come back. But with each passing moment that reality seemed less and less likely. Heavy eyes started to pile up with moisture as Quasi motioned his eyes down at his wrist where he had wrapped Snows ribbon around him in order to keep it safe. It had crumpled a little with apparent years of wear and tear but still maintained its bright Scarlett hue. Quasi softly untied it then held it tenderly rubbing it between his fingers.

I'll come back...I promise.

Her words rang in his ears. They broke his soul into tangled pieces as he missed the sound of her voice, her laugh and her being around him in general. Even gazing upon the thing closest to her heart made him remember just how much he wanted to keep her safe. God knows what she was going through with her stepmother now. But Quasimodo knew he had to maintain hope...she promised she'd come back and he knew he had to hold on to her fulfilling that promise. She had too...because their distance only made her love for her even stronger.

Turning his attention away from the ribbon, he placed Snows figure back on the table top before sighing and dragging his hand across his face

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Turning his attention away from the ribbon, he placed Snows figure back on the table top before sighing and dragging his hand across his face. Instantly, Quasi raised his head as he heard a distant sound. Closer he listened while turning his head toward the openings in the rafters. He stood up with haste and began walking toward the sound and to his horror he saw fires spreading up and down the already destroyed thatched cottages. Weeks had passed since it's first encounter with an inferno and locals had just started the cleanup operation to get their lives back on track.

Quasi stopped, his breathing intensified. In a flash the flames dipped then erupted into fires reaching up to the sky. Screams and wails started to grow louder the closer the fire got from the distance. Before he could focus on his erratic breathing, Quasimodo heard footsteps and a door shutting from down stairs. Moving his eyes away toward the direction of the noise, a grin formed on his lopsided face.

"Snow!" He muttered ecstatically under his breath.

He moved effortlessly away from the window with more energy than he ever knew he had. Taking a match he lit one lone candle on the table top to illuminate the dark and eerie atmosphere that the moon had created.

But instantly as he turned around, his delight spiralled to fear. Frollo hauntingly strolled up the creaky wooden stairs.

Quasi turned back after seeing that Frollo had acknowledged his presence. His hands fumbled and knocked things over as he tidied his figures on the wooden table top.

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