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The heroes gathered at the organization everyday and practiced fighting together, trying to improve their attacks, remaster them, into being more powerful, and practicing combo's, its timing, and above all teamwork.

One fine day, Crawford received low and slight alien spaceship signals, so he called in the heroes.

The heroes entered the briefing room, and stood staring at the main screen, listening to Crawford.

"We've encountered alien spaceship signals, its projected landing path is at sector eighty seven," informed Crawford casually, leaning over his chair.

"Another alien spaceship signal. This is turning into a habit," remarked Israr, in a bored tone.

"Remember last week, when we received an alien spaceship signal??" said Joshua laughing, "and that alien turned out to be tiny bean sized. The way he threatened us, and said he intended to rule the world. That was so funny man!!!"

"It was rather hilarious, if I may say. For someone so small, with such BIG intentions!!!" said Caspian.

"The funniest thing, was the way Israr squashed the alien under his foot, when he threatened Israr," said Sonia laughing hugely.

"That wasn't even once, he kept squashing him, again and again!!" brought out Veer, joining in everyone's laughter.

"And the week before that, when an alien landed here unintentionally, by mistake, after his navigation system was down. The way Dharam fixed it so fast, that alien guy was severely impressed with Dharam. I wonder if that alien was a she??" teased Sonia.

"Hey!!" shrieked Dharam, and everybody laughed even more, and Veer hit him lightly with his shoulder laughing.

"The craziest thing was the way, Israr and Joshua kept pressing random buttons in that alien's spaceship, while Dharam repaired it. And that alien kept repeating 'Durko Durko' which I suppose meant stop. But then Israr and Joshua kept saying Durko each time they pressed a button, and that alien held its head in helplessness," said Sonia.

"Okay okay, now, coming to the point . . . . As usual I've send Captain O' Neal and the military personnel to cover the area. I want you guys to search the whole area completely. And be well on your guard. . . ." instructed Crawford.

"Yah yah we will," mocked Joshua, and everyone including Crawford smiled.

The heroes, geared up in their blue and yellow uniforms, and a microphone in each of their left ears, attached to a mic, that came up to their lips. The collar of Israr's uniform straight up.

They jumped into the organization's helicopter, and it started flying. Inside it, the heroes started making jokes, of what kind of an alien they would encounter this time. The helicopter stopped at the prescribed location, and the heroes jumped out of it.

They started searching for absolutely anything suspicious, trying to discover, where the alien spaceship would have landed. But they weren't able to accomplish anything.

"This isn't taking us anywhere. Nothing shows up on my scanners," complained Dharam.

"Fine, let's split," planned Israr, "Dharam, Veer take the lane down. Caspian I want you up on the buildings. Sonia you're up on those green fields, take Joshua along."

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