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The heroes all assembled at the park, protecting the tree, waiting for the villains to strike. They sat by the tree talking and joking around.

"I got two bogies coming in hot at 10 'o' clock !!" came Captain O'Neal's voice in the heroes' ear phone.

"What??" shouted Dharam at the ear phone, "Identify!!"

A soldier stood looking at the two beings coming over towards them flying. The visor of his helmet automatically zoomed into the beings.

"Cross reference database," he said, and the sensor in his helmet recognized his voice, and started running across all known database files, and identified them as Flame Doll and Silver Loricae.

"Sir its Flame Doll and Silver Loricae," he spoke over on the inbuilt mic in his helmet, to Captain O'Neal, and in turn Captain O'Neal used his inbuilt mic and informed the heroes of it.

"Elijah??" thought Israr, then shouted on the ear piece, "do not engage . . . repeat do not engage . . . let them come to us."

"Copy that," replied Captain O'Neal, and ordered his men to back away.

Flame Doll and Silver Loricae flew from over them, and landed to where to heroes were. They took their battle positions ready to fight the heroes.

"I'm feeling too lazy to fight!!" announced Shannon, and sat down on the grass casually.

Aphrodi was already lying on the grass, and he simply said,

"Count me out . ."

"Yah I defeated Elijah before," said Joshua and sat down on the grass, and one after another, all the heroes sat, down, and only Israr, Kenneth and Veer were left standing.

"Well I beat Silver Loricae before, so count me out too," expressed Veer and jumped and sat down on the grass.

"That was a previous settlement . . . but my new processing has now made me three hundred times stronger, there is no way I can be defeated by you," shouted Silver Loricae at Veer.

Veer simply laughed, and replied,

"You really got a faulty processing system, if you think you are the only one who's got stronger . . . do you think I was just sitting around without practice and I'm still at the same level as our previous battle??"

That seemed to hit the courage chip inside Silver Loricae, because hearing Veer he took a step back.

"Stay strong Silver Loricae," shouted Flame Doll at him, "Anabash wants us to fight together and defeat these heroes."

"Fighting together is not in my software," he replied.

"Shut up you scrape piece of motherboard, and just fight by my side," shouted Flame Doll frustrated.

"Elijah don't!!" pronounced Israr to her.

"You shut up . . . you learned my attacks . . . I started liking you . . . but you betrayed us!!" she shouted.

"He was technically a part of the Xanthron's always, so that means it's not a betrayal," spoke out Sonia, acting very casual, and ran her hand through her hair.

"Elijah-" started Israr, trying to convince her, to stop following Anabash, but her mood and stubbornness indicated that she wouldn't listen.

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