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The heroes set out in the concorde off to the town in India. In the concorde, they started making jokes, and enjoying nicely, eating doughnuts and chicken rolls and cold drinks to go with it.

Ian kept shifting around uncomfortably and restlessly, and his face seemed soar.

"Dude are you feeling alright?" asked Joshua.

"Maybe he's feeling air sick," said Dharam.

"Ian I think you need a doctor," said Israr, looking at his face.

"No . . . no doctor . . . doctor kill people," spoke up Aphrodi, and everyone looked at him surprised.

"Aphrodi, doctors do not kill people," cleared Prem.

"No doctors kill people . . . a priest of my temple went to the doctor, and the doctor killed him!!" replied Aphrodi casually, seated comfortably, his hands behind his head.

"Aphrodi, that really cant be, come on what are you saying?" asked Prem.

"Yah, tell us," said Shannon playing around with a tiny energy ball of hers, "what happened to that priest and all."

"The priest had pain in his chest, so he went to the doctor . . . the doctor checked him, and ten minutes later the priest died . . . when he was walking back to the temple," explained Aphrodi.

"Why what happened, did he had a heart attack on his way back?" inquired Dharam, and by that time, everyone had become completely involved in that story.

"No, he didn't have a heart attack, he was crushed by a car . . . a terrible accident," replied Aphrodi, more calm now.

"It certainly can't be the doctor's fault now Aphrodi . . . it was a car accident after all," explained Prem.

"No, it was the doctor's fault that the priest died," fought Aphrodi casually.

"Come on spill it out already will you??" shouted Kenneth loosing his patience.

"It is the doctor's fault . . . he was the one who was driving that car!!" ended Aphrodi.

"What the heck!!" pronounced Sonia, and Kenneth got up to punch him simply, and Aphrodi sat laughing heartedly.

After a while, the other heroes, ended up laughing too, pushing each other around joking. Laughing around, Israr pushed Asuka, and in turn she fell over Shannon, pushing her, and the energy ball she was playing with fell down, and started rolling around.

"Oh no!!" shouted Asuka, and she and Israr started running around, the concorde.

"Bombs away!!" shouted Sonia, alarming everyone, and they all started running around, trying to find and escape the energy ball. As the concorde moved, the energy ball started rolling around, and the heroes ran, the other direction, and when the ball changed its direction, they ran to the other direction shouting, covering themselves, jumping over their seats, from one to another.

Sadly, all during the flight, they just couldn't sit at one place, as they had to keep running around the concorde escaping the ball.

When they reached the park, Launchpad landed the concorde nicely. When the concorde had finally reached the stop, the heroes could see the energy ball, by the cockpit door. The heroes took a sigh of relief, that finally the flight was over, and also because the ball had stopped rolling and stopped by the cockpit door. Suddenly Launchpad swinged the door open hard.

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