Chapter 29: The 1975

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Songs for this chapter:

Basically everything by the 1975.


What about this?" I spin around, staring in the mirror as Gab sits on my bed, shoving her face full of crisps and nodding.

"Nope, I hate it." I decide, pulling the white jeans off and the black crop.

"How the fuck are you meant to dress for the 1975 and one direction concerts in one night?"

"Just wear anything, who cares?" She mumbles, a mouth full of food. She's been ready for over an hour because her, Gem and Linda are going for dinner first.

"Me! I care!" None of my clothes are jumping out at me, nothing quite works well enough to go from the 1975 to one direction.

"Just wear this." Gab stands up, pulling a green jumpsuit from the cupboard. I try it on but yet again, it just doesn't work. "Ahhhh!" I screech, funning my hands through my hair which I straightened because curls just weren't working. Gab laughs as I rip the dress off, tossing it into the pile with the rest of the clothes that just don't work. Ugh!

"You're not helping!"

"I'm trying but you have like ridiculous standards for no reason. Who are you trying to impress? All three would gladly take you home tonight so if it's for their purpose it's not worth it." She shrugs, giggling.

I just roll my eyes at her, leaving the room and going into her bedroom to sift through her clothes.

I find a pair of gold metallic shorts, very high waisted, and would look cute with my high neck black crop. Hmmm. I pull them on and they fit to perfection, god I love having a housemate!

"Do you reckon this would look good with this?" I bound back into my bedroom and pick up my black crop from the 'no' pile, Gab has taken to lying down on my bed, exhausted from work as always.

"Yep, perfect! Now hurry up or you're going to be late, how are you getting between Alexandra Palace and Wembley?" She asks, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Taxi I guess?" I shrug, pulling on the crop top, making sure I don't smudge my makeup.

I turn around in the mirror, okay that will do. I pull on my lanyard with my backstage the 1975 pass that Matt gave me, and get Gab to help me put my VIP 1D band around my wrist. I pull on black booties with a small chunky heel. Finally ready.

"You're going to be late!" She scolds as I stare in the mirror, fixing my hair.

"Okay okay, I'm going!" I grab my black cutch and shove my phone inside, clicking it shut. "I'll see you later, tell Gem I'll call her when I get there." I wave as I leave the bedroom and walk out the apartment.

I hail a cab when I get out onto the street, it's only 5:30 and Matt doesn't go on till 7, so I have plenty of time to get to Alexandra Palace. I'll stay for a few songs, catch a cab to Wembley with half an hour to spare before they go on. Louis has been texting me all day, nervous about starting tour life again and fearful that he might fall back into old patterns after the other week.

I've never actually been to a concert at Alexandra Palace, but the old exterior is absolutely stunning as the taxi pulls up. I know I could've gotten here a lot cheaper by the tube but I am just not in the mood for public transport today, not after putting so much effort into my makeup. Being friends with Harry has prepared me well for getting backstage, finding the door to go through is always the hardest part but I find a sneaky back door with a security guard standing in front of it and I show him my pass so he lets me through.

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