Chapter 22 - Asgardian Royalty and Dancing with the Enemy

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A couple weeks later, Skye had to miss Tai Chi on Friday, to visit with Dr. Storm. There were more x-rays and tests, but she was very happy when she decided that Skye didn't need her casts anymore.

"You've done quite well. I'm pleased. You are healing still, so you'll want to be careful. I want to see you one more time on Friday of next week, okay? If you have any problems, please let us know."

Skye was looking at the bruises on her arm, which were all in various shades of blue, green and yellow. "So do you want me to keep these casts?"

"Oh no! I'll keep them here. Hopefully you won't need them again, but just in case you do. Besides, I think some of your friends in Reed's Special Interest class wanted to take a look at them. That is, if you don't mind?"

Skye looked surprised. "Who?"

"Mr. Stark and Ms. Simmons, I believe."

"Oh, okay. No problem," she shrugged. "Thanks for everything, Dr. Storm."


Skye walked back to the lobby, enjoying the freedom of not having the casts on, and the air on her arms, when she ran into Tony, Fitz, Bruce and Jemma, just returning from Engineering.

"Hey kiddo! Look who has arms again!" Tony seemed to notice the bruises on her arms. "Ouch! Those look awful!"

"Good one, Tony. Just in case she wasn't self-conscious enough, let's all stare at Skye." Bruce looked at Skye sympathetically. "They aren't that bad. Just consider them war wounds."

Skye smiled at Bruce and untangled her sweater from around her waist. "Hey Jemma," she said, as she pulled her sweater on to cover her arms. "Why do you and Tony want those casts that I was wearing?"

Jemma glanced around at the group before answering. "Oh! We just want to see how Professors Richards and Wells made them. It's fascinating."

Tony added. "Yeah, we want to check them out for science, Skye. I'd also love to see a pair of those gloves that you're usually wearing, if you don't mind?"

"I suppose. Maybe you can explain to me how they work."

"If we can figure it out, I promise we will," he grinned.


Loki and Thor were the last to arrive to dinner. Jane told them that the boys were talking to their parents. Jane didn't have any idea how they actually did that, only that it involved Professor Coulson's office. When they came in, both boys looked excited.

"Friends!" Thor practically shouted to the table. "Our Mother thought that the idea of teaching Asgardian dance was an excellent idea to encourage cross cultural knowledge of our two realms."

"Yes, and they are sending instructors next Friday evening." Loki added before looking at Skye. "You will still come, won't you?"

"Oh yeah. Of course I will. I'm sure everyone will want to come."

Clint cleared his throat. "Uhhh......I'm pretty sure that I uhhh......have something to do that night." Skye looked over and glared at him. " learn Asgardian dancing?"

Skye heard Natasha snigger under her breath and shot her a menacing look, which just made Natasha laugh even harder.

"Bucky and I will both come, but you two have to promise to come to the swing dance lessons that Peggy is organizing for the following week. She is afraid that there won't be enough boys," Steve said to Thor and Loki. They both nodded in agreement.

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