Chapter 42 - Bravery and Breaking Up

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Thanks to Sam's idea and his awesome playlist, Skye found herself sleeping more over the next few nights. It wasn't a perfect solution and it didn't make things better over night, but she was sleeping for longer periods of time and that was a good start.

She also suspected that running was helping if in no other way than making her exhausted. It really did help clear her head, and she was surprised that she actually enjoyed it, even though she was sore afterward. Coach May overheard them talking about it, and gave her some suggestions for running programs for beginners, so she started following one of those.

Sam would stay with her through the wooded path, but they'd run separately at the school or the track, depending on where they decided to go that day. He always waited for her to go back through the path at the end. She knew he was only doing it so that she wouldn't be in the woods alone, but she really appreciated it.


On Tuesday, Skye was sitting in Geometry class talking to Loki when Jean came into the room sniffling. Her eyes were red and she obviously had been crying.

"Is everything okay, Jean?" Skye asked quietly.

She shook her head, before burying her head on her backpack.

"Can I do anything to help you?"

Before she could answer, Scott came storming through the door and stopped. He looked at the empty seat beside Jean that he normally sat in, and turned to go sit in the back of the room. Jean wiped her eyes and glared at him angrily before putting her head back on her desk until class started.

After class, Jean packed up and left quickly before Skye could say anything. Scott left soon after, in the opposite direction.

"What in the world was that about?" Skye asked, as she and Loki packed up to leave.

"I am not sure, but I suspect that there is trouble in paradise."

"I guess so. Wow. Poor Jean."

Loki looked at her curiously. "How do you know that Jean is not responsible for whatever happened?"

She shrugged. "I don't, I suppose."

When she got to her science class, she found Tony and Bruce. "Hey guys," she took a seat in front of Tony, "do you all happen to know what's going on with Jean and Scott?"

Skye was surprised when Bruce was the one who spoke. "Well, I was at my locker before I went to Geometry and they were fighting about something. I was trying not to listen, but they were pretty loud."

Tony groaned at his roommate. "Come on, Bruce. If they are going to fight in the middle of the hallway, it's your duty to the rest of us to listen and share what you know."

"I walked in close to the end of it. All I know is that it had something to do with Logan, and Scott said that he was breaking up with her before storming off."

"Wait......aren't Scott and Logan roommates?" Skye couldn't imagine what that room would be like if they were fighting too.

Tony shrugged. "Yeah. They have a pretty strange relationship. Not sure they will continue to be roommates after this year anyway."

By PE, there were all sorts of stories going around. They ranged from something as simple as Scott being jealous of Jean spending too much time with Logan to him walking in on them actually kissing. They didn't talk about it at lunch because Peggy, who usually sat with Scott and the other RA's for lunch, joined their table and brought Jean with her. Logan, for his part, sat at his usual table talking with Remy and Rogue, and appeared to ignore everything going on around him.

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