Chapter 32 - Earth Shaking Discoveries and HYDRA

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Skye was already awake when lights flooded the large room again a few hours later. She sat up and stretched before walking over to where Rumlow still sat on his cot. "Thanks." She handed him his coat.

He shrugged. "Your teeth chattering was annoying me and keeping me awake."

She smiled at him. "Well, thank you all the same."

The door opened and a new man walked in, carrying what looked to be a Taser of some sort. Bob followed, pushing a cart with breakfast. The new man, who they learned was Joe, made Skye and Brock both sit on their cots, facing the wall as he quickly opened the cage for Bob to place their food on the floor. When they moved on to the next cell, Rumlow and Skye both sat on the floor in front of the bowls, which contained fruit and oatmeal.

Rumlow handed her a spoon. "Same thing as yesterday. It's pretty bland, but you need to eat it." He frowned when he saw her eyeing it warily. "It hasn't killed me yet, Sunshine. Whoever they are working for seems to want us alive."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Skye. That's my name. I think you must have forgotten."

"Just eat the food, Skye, or they're going to get mad, and that won't be good for anybody." He picked at his fruit and watched her to make sure that she started eating. "Do you like cantaloupe? I can't stand the stuff. You can have mine if you want it."

"Only if you will take my grapes. I've never liked them."

"Deal." He started putting the cantaloupe in her bowl, and she did the same with the grapes. She started eating then, figuring that he had a point. There wouldn't be much of a reason to kidnap them just to poison them.

No sooner had they finished, when all four men came back into the room. Skye had already determined that their names were too generic to be real but the one who called himself Jim was definitely the one in charge. He walked to the middle of the room and addressed them all. "Bathroom break, then you will all be given some time outside in a fenced in area that we've set up. If anyone tries to break out, you will all be shot. Understand?"

Soon they were all escorted down a long hallway and outside where Skye discovered the first problem they had in escaping. They were being lead to another cage. She imagined this was similar to a maximum security prison with thick fencing around them, but there was also a concrete roof on top of them. She turned to Clark, who was behind her and the look on his face told her that he was thinking the same thing that she was. He wasn't getting out of there easily.

During their bathroom break, Diana mentioned to Skye and Anna Marie that she told Clark that he ought to fly away when they got outside and try to get help. He was the strongest, the fastest, and could very easily get away before these guys could stop him. Then, maybe he could lead the teachers back to rescue the rest of them. Sky shared the idea with Rumlow before they were taken outside, but he wasn't a fan of it. He believed, and Skye agreed with him, that their captors might just decide to hurt or kill the rest of them and flee. In a fair fight, the kids actually stood a chance against their captors, but there was no guarantee that the fight would be fair. They'd also need Clark there for them to have a decent chance.

The second problem was that they appeared to be surrounded by ocean. They could see water splashing up from waves hitting the rocky bank around them. If they were on an island, they could be almost anywhere. There were many islands off the coast of New England, and they could be on any one of them. Hearing them discussing the possibility of being on an island, Jim was all too happy to confirm it.

"We are surrounded by water on all sides and there is no other land for miles. We're the only people here and there isn't even a boat. You are stuck here until the boss lady arrives, and some of you probably won't be leaving," he grinned at them wickedly.

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