Mythical March & Beyond

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For hundreds of years, people have been entertained and mystified by stories, which were once believed to true, but today are written off as nothing more than a myth or legend.

Whether or not these stories are based on true events or are purely something that existed only in the minds of our ancestors, there's no shortage of them.

From the Loch Ness monster in Scotland to Bigfoot roaming the forests of the Pacific Northwest the world is full of myth and legend, and we here at the _ShortStory_ profile would love to read your legendary stories.

We want to feature as many of your stories as possible in our new Myth & Legend anthology; there is no time restriction of this challenge, and we will continue to collect stories for the foreseeable future.

If this sounds like your thing, then all you have to do is remember the following:

🐍 All entries must be written in English. Remember to pay attention to spelling and grammar. Stories must be suitable for everyone — not rated mature.

🐍 Stories must be no more than 2500 words.

🐍 All stories must be complete.

Then send us your story, using the submission form.

🐍 Please note that while we want to feature as many of your stories as possible, not all submissions will be accepted to be featured in the Myth & Legend anthology. 🐍

While you're here, why not check out the mythandlegend profile?

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