The Beginning of a New Family Chapter 8

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--------Karin's POV--------

I ran to where I had felt Toshiro's spiritual pressure.

When I reached the spot where his spiritual pressure was coming from, I saw Ichigo, Rukia, and Toshiro fighting what looked like a cross between a hollow and a Soul Reaper.

I could tell from where I was standing that Toshiro had been slashed several times, and so has Ichigo. I could also tell that both of them had already unleashed their Bankai.

I stayed as quiet as I could and observed the situation.

--------Toshiro's POV--------

I was fighting Ulquiorra in my Bankai when I felt Karin's spiritual pressure. 'She shouldn't be here!' I thought to myself. There was no mistaking it. Karin was near here.

"Ichigo, Rukia," I began. "You two stay here and take care of Ulquiorra. I am going to find Karin." They nodded as I left to find Karin.

Luckily I am a master at following spiritual pressure, so I found Karin fairly easily. I found her by a small run-down building.

"What are you doing here, Karin!?" I asked her in a scream.

She turned around and I noticed that Matsuo was not with her. "Where is Matsuo?" I ask.

"Don't worry. I left her with Kisuke," Karin began. "I came to make sure that you were OK. I felt your spiritual pressure drop."

I sighed as I said to her, "I am fine. Now, is there another reason why you came?"

"No, I..." she was cut off by the sound of a hollow scream. I knew that this was no ordinary hollow, though.

"Was that a hollow?" she asked.

"No, Karin," I began to tell her. "That is Ichigo's inner hollow being used in battle."

Not long after the hollow like scream, Ulquiorra's spiritual pressure disappeared. "Come on, Karin. We have to go see if they defeated Ulquiorra," I told her.

When we reached Ichigo and Rukia, Ulquiorra was no where to be found.


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