The Beginning of a New Family Chapter 15

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July 19 IchigoandRukia'sweddingday.

--------Karin's POV--------

"Rukia!" I hollered at the bride. She gazed at me.

"What is it, Karin?" Rukia asked me.

"You need to get ready. Me and Toshiro are about to take our spots right behind you and Ichigo. That means it is almost time for you to walk down the isle," I told her.

"Alright," she said to me as she went over to her brother, Byakuya.

I made my way over to Toshiro. "Does Dad have Matsuo under control?" I ask him. He nodded in response.

"Now, let's walk to take our places," Toshiro said to me. Then we walked down the isle to stand where we were supposed to.

Right after we were both in the right positions, the music started, and Rukia came walking down the isle.

I took one look at my brother and I noticed in his eyes that this was the moment that he had waited for, for 29 years.

As Rukia took her place at the alter, she handed me the bouquet, and took Ichigo's hands in hers.

"Ichigo," the minister began. "Do you take Rukia to be your wife?"

"I do," Ichigo responded.

"Rukia, do you take Ichigo to be your husband?" the minister asked.

"I do," Rukia said.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," said the minister. Then Ichigo sealed the wedding with a kiss.

All of us, even Matsuo, clapped for the couple.

Everyone followed Ichigo and Rukia outside to the reception.

"I knew Ichigo and Rukia would get married one day," I told Toshiro as we made our way to my dad so I could get Matsuo.

"I see you still have the ability to keep little kids under control, Dad," I said as I grabbed my daughter.

"You should know that I have always been able to keep babies under control, Karin. You have seen me at the clinic when I deliver babies. They have never cried in my hands," Dad told me.

"You and I both know that is a lie. Only once in a while will a baby not cry in your hands. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go talk to my brother and my sister-in-law," I said to my father as Toshiro followed me and Matsuo to the newlyweds.

"Hey newlyweds!" I said to the now married couple.

Ichigo and Rukia both looked at me. "Hey, sis," Ichigo said to me.

"I guess I don't get a hello, do I, Ichigo," Toshiro said. I could tell that he wasn't upset, he just felt left out.

"Sorry, Toshiro," Ichigo began. "I need to remember to include you. If I don't, either Karin will kill me, or she will injure me."

Then Toshiro got mad. "Since it is your wedding day, Ichigo, I will not scold you for not calling me Captain Hitsugaya."

"Thanks, Captain Hitsugaya," Ichigo said.

"Now I came to ask you two something," I said to the two Kurosakis.

"What is it, Karin?" Rukia asked.

"I was wondering where you two were going for your honeymoon," I told both of them.

"We are going to Indianapolis, Indiana in the United States," Ichigo said in response.

"Why there?" Toshiro asked.

"I heard that Yuzu is going to go live there when she goes to america," Rukia said to Toshiro.

"Alright, just don't do anything that will lead to something that you aren't ready for. Trust me, there are some things that you are not ready for, bro," I said to my older brother.

"Fine," he said in defeat.

Time skip one hour

Once the reception was over, Ichigo took Rukia to the car. "Wait Ichigo, I have to throw the bouquet," Rukia said to her new husband.

Then she tossed the bouquet, and it landed in Orihime's hands. I looked at Orihime. "So, you are the next person who is going to get married, huh?" I asked her.

"I guess so. It might be a while though. I just began dating Uryu last week," she told me.

I smiled as we all watched the newlyweds head off to the airport to go to america.


If anyone wants this story to have one more chapter, there will be an epilogue soon, with how thw story ends for everyone.

The Beginning of a New Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें