Both of my hearts, for you

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        River Song sat at her desk, boredly going though some papers. Life as an archaeologist isn't all running around and doing fun stuff. Well, for River, it'd been all work and no fun for the past couple of months, and ugh, she hated it. She twirled one of her golden curls around her finger and easily got distracted by the heavy rain outside. She listened to it, pounding against the side of the building, sliding down the window. And then she thought of how he'd much rather be in her apartment right now, curled up in bed, wrapped in her fuzzy pink robe. Or drinking a bottle of wine in her living room while watching TV. Oh, how that appealed to her mind..

        She put her hands into her coat pockets, feeling slightly cold. This work wont die if it's finished tomorrow. She stood up, making sure her phone was safely in her pocket, and started out the door, when she stopped. The thought of him raced through her mind. She put her face in her hands. The Doctor. Her husband, her Time Lord in the blue box. Oh, he was the reason she drank, so she could forget about him for a moment! She remembered that one time they got caught in a rainstorm and cuddled together under their umbrella as they ran back to the TARDIS... She thought about him a lot. Like, when she woke up in the mornings and thought about how nice it would be if he was cuddled up against her, awake but enjoying her warmth. Maybe they weren't wearing clothes.. And it could've happened if she wasn't so stupid and turned him down when he offered to let her travel with him in the TARDIS-

        Ugh, the noise annoyed her. The brakes! How simple is it not to leave the brakes on the TARDIS!? Damn it Doctor, you've been flying her for over a thousand years now, why can't you do it correctly- wait, TARDIS noise? Could it be..?

        She turned around to see that no, her mind wasn't playing tricks on her, and the TARDIS was materializing in the corner of her office, sending a stack of papers that was there flying. River groaned. She'd have to get those back together, order them, stack them again.. What was she thinking!? He's here!

        The TARDIS's blue doors swung open, and out stepped the Doctor, fixing his bow tie. "Hello, River!" She grinned and ran over to him, hugging him.

"Hello, Sweetie!" she laughed softly. He smiles at her.

"Nice office you've got here! Archaeology, I presume?"

"What else would it be? I AM Professor Song."

"Well then, Professor Song. I know for a fact that the TARDIS has been missing you."

She grins. "Well, of course she misses me. I'm sure she likes having someone who can actually fly her for a change." The Doctor rolls his eyes.

"Are we talking about the brakes again?" "Maybe." "Oi! I like the 'vwoorp vwoorp' sound it makes! It's cool!"

"Oh, Sweetie. It's about as cool as your fez."

"I like the fez!"

"No one else agrees!"

         The Doctor pouts for a moment, and River can't help but laugh.

"Hmph! Well, River, want to come inside? Even just for a little bit?"

She smiles. "Why wouldn't I?" She runs inside, the Doctor following closely behind her.

        River smiles at the familiar surroundings of the TARDIS. This is her real home. Her, a Time Lord, with her TARDIS and her lover. Like it's meant to be. She runs her hand along the console.

"Hello, TARDIS! It's been a bit! Nice to see you!"

The TARDIS hums happily in reply. The Doctor comes up behind River and hugs her, hands meeting at her waist.

"See?" River puts her head back, resting it on his chest, and looks up at his face.

"She wishes I'd come and see her more."

The Doctor smiles. "I'd love that too."

He takes a deep breath, feeling slightly nervous. This was a question he'd been wanting to ask her for a bit.

"Actually.. I'd kind of like being you every day, all day. You know. We could travel together. Because, you know, we're married, and shouldn't we live together..?"

He blinks, waiting for River's reply. Hopefully, it's a yes. So then they could be together.. but timey-wimey stuff! Oh, god, she's gonna say no...-

        "I'd love that. Me, you, and the TARDIS- wait, where are you?"

She pulled her diary out of her pocket (which, of course, is bigger on the inside) and flipped through it, as the Doctor does the same.

"Er, have we met the Winchesters?"

River blinks. "Yes, actually, it's my latest thing."

"Hah! Mine too! Remember that angel, Castiel?"

River grins. "And Dean, who tried to flirt with me?"

He frowns. "Yeah, I remember that."

"Hah, you got mad!"

The Doctor rolls his eyes. "Because I love you, dear. With both of my hearts."

River smiles and turns around, pulling the Doctor's face close, fitting her mouth to his and kissing him. Now, the Doctor wasn't expecting for her to kiss her in this quick motion, so it took him half of a second to realize and kiss her back.

            And they both, for that moment, felt that everything was just right.

((Hey everyone! Got comments? Suggestions? Please give it to me, but no hate! This is the first fanfiction I've posted anywhere! I hope you liked it, I'll be posting more chapters soon, I'm already writing them!))

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