Dreaming of the Past

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River Song told the Doctor everything- well, everything he needed to know about her return to life.

~River Song's POV~

The Doctor paused for a moment.

"But.. you disappeared-" he began, but I cut him off.

"Cal transferred me into this body. Again.. it was rather dangerous, might not have worked." I sigh slightly.

"But why, then? The Library system was a nice place.. you had your team, too; your friends.. was something wrong?" he asks.

"No," I lie, before realizing that the answer I gave was not at all believable. "..well, you weren't there, and the time I did spend with you, you just ignored me most of the time."

He looked slightly guilty. "I didn't want to accept that you were dead. It was rather selfish of me, I know, I'm sorry.."

"You're forgiven, always." I say. If you knew the truth, you'd lie too.. it was difficult to even admit to myself.. maybe I'll tell you later.

He kisses me.. kisses me gently, softly, as if I might break if he wasn't gentle enough.. and I pause, not used to being kissed in this way. And, it's amazing. As gently as the kiss itself, he pulls away from me, and kisses my neck, again so gently, making a small sound escape from my lips. He grins at my reaction and does it again, not nearly as gently, and I gasp, falling back onto the bed.

He tilts his head, as if asking, and I nod, giving him consent before he pins me down, kissing my neck again. Sometimes he does silly things like that, wanting direct approval even though he knows the answer before I give it to him- always yes.

*I think you can guess what happens here, my dear readers, as I still refuse to describe my daughter having sex.*

~The Doctor's POV~

After catching her breath, River sits up and leans off of the bed, opening the drawer in her nightstand. I sit up as well, trying to see what in the world River could be doing over there- when she pulls a pack of cigarrettes out of the drawer, and a little silver lighter with a little TARDIS painted onto it. She pulls out one of the cigarrettes, lights it, leans back on the headboard, and puts it between her lips.

I quickly grab the cigarrette from her.

"What the hell are you doing?" she says, and grabs it back from me, smoking it.

I glare at her. "The actual question is what the hell are YOU doing!" I grab it from her again, inspecting the cigarrette. "This is an Earth cigarrette! It's hardly safe for humans, much less Time Lords!" I growl. "Now hand over the pack!"

Muttering Gallifreyan under her breath, she drops the pack of cigarrettes in my open hand, and I put out the lit cigarrette, putting it back into it's pack, and open my nightstand drawer, tossing the pack into it.

"Why can't I smoke!" she complains. "I don't even do it often, it's just nice from time to time!"

I sigh. She can be so clueless about her own species at times. "Tobacco is damn near poison to Time Lords! You, River Song, are literally the embodiment of danger, and you need to stop!"

She lays down and rolls to face away from me, damn her. Doesn't that woman understand that I'm trying to help..? I lay down on my side as well, getting close to her and doing the cuddling thing.

"Hey," I say, in nearly a whisper. "I just want you to be healthy, okay?"

"Fine." she replies to me, trying to sound angry, but I can tell she likes being cared for, especially after the 'I believe in you' event yesterday.

Both of my hearts, for youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang