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The very next day, River Song has more business to do, personal business, that she needs to take care of-which involves being away from her husband again. And the Doctor isn't happy about it.

~The Doctor's POV~

River had a rather short morning with me.

She woke up, had a shower, got dressed, drank her coffee quickly, said a quick goodbye, and left the TARDIS with no more breakfast than a single piece of toast.

And, I'll admit it, I'm a bit annoyed.

River travelled with me now, and I might be a bit selfish for my opinion, but I thought that meant she stayed with me, went on adventures with me, but this is the second time she's had to leave in two days.

Yesterday she had some business to take care of that I got a horrible feeling from, but the woman apparently didn't take care of that, but instead met a young Sherlock Holmes- which is pretty cool, but couldn't I have gone with her?

I lay down across the couch in the living room, propping my feet up on the arm rest opposite of the one I'm laying my head on, and decide to read a few books in my boredom.

I decide on a couple of books from the Melody Malone series; a series written partially by River and mostly by Amelia Pond, my best friend and mother-in-law, about River, her best friend, my wife and her daughter. Best part is, it's all true.

Well, the being true part isn't exactly the best.

You see, it's in River's nature to be flirty and rather attractive, so she uses that to her advantage.. and to people other than me, to get her way.

I get just a little jealous at times, especially back before she travelled with me, of these people she'll just kiss or flirt with because they're not me and I want them to be me.. because she's my wife, and I should get that. Then again, she's River, my lovely Time Lady psychopath, what else could I expect?

..well, I could expect her to quit flirting with this particular person, that would be nice. I should remember that these stories weren't quite written for a husband of this Melody Malone, but rather for other readers, who would find the flirtatious banter she's holding with strangers more humorous, or whatever feeling they get when reading those romance-y books that I'll never quite understand.

Unlike the mood the reader SHOULD be getting, these books are actually only heightening my annoyance with my wife, who is off having fun without me, abandoning her husband all by himself for the day.

By the annoyed-toned hum Idris gives, she doesn't quite appreciate that I just said I'm alone, while she's here. I don't. Sorry. Thank you.

I've gotten annoyed enough with my Song by the end of the chapter that I just mark my page and toss the book away, sulking into the couch. I'm bored, and I want to be with my River. MY River.

The couch suddenly disappears and I hit the ground on my back, wincing heavily and without thinking, blurt out a rude Gallifreyan word that could've gotten you arrested in a few cities on my home planet.

"Sorry!" I apologize, but then remember the purpose of my use of the word, sitting up and rubbing my now-sore back. "But what the hell was that for?!" I ask, and the TARDIS goes silent. Just go do something other than sulk! She speaks directly into my mind- she doesn't use her telepathy on me often at all, so her voice slightly shocks me.

"I'll go swim, then." I stand, stretching. "Swimming always calms me." I pause. River's touch often calms me the best... the way she'll caress my cheek and whisper Gallifreyan words of comfort to me when my emotions take too much of a hold on me, which they sometimes do.. She calmed me after Manhattan, I remember. She sat on my lap and rubbed my back as I sobbed into her shoulder, as we conversed in strictly Gallifreyan for a week until I was alright for a bit. Then, she insisted she leave despite my desperate pleas and begging, which was the last straw in sending me into a depression before Clara began travelling with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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