An Important Child

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River Song had some business to do in London to attend to, but little did she know that something much more important than her hitwoman business was going to be happening in London today.

It was a rather cold day, snow falling from the clouds, so River dressed accordingly- her heavier, dark trench coat, leather Converse boots that went up to her knees, and a blue scarf around her neck. And then she headed out, down the street, into the snow.

~River Song's POV~

I hate the snow.

It's cold, sticks everywhere including down my shirt, and then it melts when you get anywhere relatively warm, and then you're even colder than when you started.

I had a job to do, however, one that I was paid very well to do- I spent the money getting my vortex manipulator repaired after it nearly blew up on me after I landed on this one planet, even had to call for the Doctor to pick me up.

As I'm looking for this woman with short, blonde hair and soft brown eyes, I instead find a young boy with thick, curly dark hair.. my instincts kick in, and I sit beside him.

"Hello." I say, smiling slightly. "What are you doing out here in the cold?"

He looks up at me, with green eyes, and it hits me who this is. I'm talking to a young Sherlock Holmes.

"Mycroft called me stupid- said he was the smart one, actually. So I just left the house." he says, and I laugh.

"Are your parents home?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"They left Mycroft in charge, and I don't like it." he says.

"Mycroft?" I ask, wanting to confirm that this was Sherlock, although that was confirmation enough.

"Yes.. Mycroft Holmes, my name is Sherlock. And who do you happen to be?" he asks me.

I smile. "I'm River Song."

"River Song." he pauses. "You have a name just as strange as ours."

I decide to change the topic. "Maybe I could come over and be in charge for a bit, while your parents are gone?" I offer, and I realize how pedophile-like I sounded after it's said- but he agreed.

The young Sherlock stands, brushes the snow off of himself, and starts to lead me toward his house.

We're walking through the snow, when he pauses and asks.

"You're not from around here, are you?" He asks, and by the look in his eyes, I know he's deducing.

"Yes, not from London.." I reply truthfully.

He shakes his head. "You're definitely not from this city, I would remember your face. But I mean you aren't exactly from this planet, are you? You've obviously got two pulses, which means two hearts and definitely not human.. not to mention your shoes look a bit futuristic. Time traveling species."

I pause before grinning. This boy is brilliant. "And if I was a time-traveling alien?" I ask.

"Then I'd think that's pretty cool." He admits.

"Well, you're in luck. I'm most definitely not human, I'm a Time Lord, and I travel through space and time." I tell him, and he smiles slightly.

"You're really cool." he says, and then we're at his house.

He lets me into his house; I step in and take in my surroundings; the childhood house of the legendary Sherlock Holmes. It's rather nice.. and warm, so I take off my scarf, setting it on a table so I'll remember it.

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