A Day For Rest

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River Song was, as we all expected, dealing with a horrible hangover in the morning, while the Doctor cheerily cooked bacon for breakfast and made coffee for River. He wasn't quite as big a fan of the drink as River was, mainly because he already had boundless energy without a large dose of caffeine. River, however, was not nearly the morning person that the Doctor was, leading her to be rather unpleasant before her first cup of coffee.

She let out a small sigh, as she made her way from the bathroom-she really hadn't been feeling well that morning-to the kitchen, where she knew that her husband would be.

"Hello Dear," he greeted his wife as she sat down into a chair, obviously still feeling the aftereffects of the two bottles of rum she downed last night, and passed her the cup of coffee he had prepared for her. She eagerly took the mug in both of her hands and raised it to her mouth, taking a drink of the hot liquid. "I'm not going to ask how you are, that much is obvious, so, uh, how did you sleep?"

River looked up from her cup of coffee at her husband, who, despite his readiness for the day, was sitting at the table in nothing but his underwear.

"I slept fine, actually. How about you?"

He raised an eyebrow. "It was better when you stopped trying to kick me off of the bed."

Despite herself, she giggled into her coffee.

~The Doctor's POV~

River has the most wonderful laugh, you know? It's just great, so I take every chance I can to hear it. Even though the topic she was laughing over was not nearly as fun for me-I looked in the mirror, I have a foot-shaped bruise on my.. rear. But it'll heal before tonight, even. I heal quickly, thanks to my species.

She took another sip of her beloved coffee, and I could see that she was starting to feel a bit better. Her head was hung over the toilet before I even finished my shower that I probably wouldn't have taken this morning-don't give me that, I showered yesterday- had River not spilled half a glass of her drink last night down the front of my shirt. It was really sticky, and I'm not a fan of the sticky feeling, but I toughed through it last night for her. I don't really trust her alone in the TARDIS when she's had that many drinks.

Before even five minutes had passed.. well, it was actually 4 minutes and 21 seconds, but ignore that, she was finished with the cup of coffee. River slid her empty cup over to me and tilted her head, a signal I had learned as 'Could you get me more?' She was a bit non-verbal at times, rather relying on sounds and movements to communicate, which was adorable and something I told her to stop doing often at the same time.

Being the good husband that I sometimes decide to be, I take her mug and fill it about a quarter with milk and the rest of the way with coffee, how she prefers it, give the now filled mug back to her, and sit back down across from her.

"So, River, do you have anything that you would most like to do?" I ask, slightly bored with this rather slow morning. I enjoyed it, like I enjoy any time with River, but I would enjoy maybe going out and saving a planet today.. I don't know, I'd just kind of like to do something.

She gave me a half smile. "Sweetie, I believe the choice is up to you.. well, once we're ready and all."

Ah, yes, there is that. She's still merely wearing the same shirt she was yesterday over her underwear.. she- last night, she sort of took off her pants while drunk; I glance at them, in a wad on the floor.. She's not much more dressed than I, because I'm only in my underwear, which I actually only noticed now. Clothes are kind of funny like that, sometimes you forget you're wearing or not wearing something-or is that just me? But it makes sense that I'm only in my underwear, I just got something on to cover myself before making River some coffee.

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