Ancient Rome

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Flying the TARDIS was always a battle, when two people are so certain they're better than the other at doing so. Each had a bit of their own technique, admitted the other was better in some ways, but would never admit it to the Time Lord battling over control of the console.

And, it was always bliss.

After a flight prolonged due to pure stubbornness, (''The brakes need to be off!" "River, why in the universe did you pull that lever?!" "Because we're in the vortex, that should never be on in the vortex!") the TARDIS landed in Ancient Rome, the targeted destination. Sometimes, that didn't happen. The TARDIS had a complete mind of her own. She tended to be smarter than her Thief and her daughter he married, so they often trusted her, but landing in 2014 United States can be annoying when you were aiming for the planet of the star-elves. But, the TARDIS sometimes had to choose need over want, and had to guide her Thief in the right direction. It was a bit of a job, watching after him and the companions he picked up.

Why, yes, this might be a bit more from the TARDIS's opinion, because I'm the one typing.

You see, I'm a TARDIS, more than a bit psychic. I can take their points of view, type it up.. It's fun, and what else am I supposed to do all the time?

Never mind, back to the story.

~River Song's POV~

I go for the door, but the Doctor's quicker than me, and gets out first. I'm not surprised. He's got a mix of limitless energy and extremely long legs. I like both of these qualities.

"Ancient Rome, River! We're here!" He grins, stepping out. Several people look over at him, and I don't blame them one bit. Strangely dressed man steps out of an appearing box, declaring your time ancient. A little insulting, too. I make sure that I have my gun and my Vortex Manipulator on me- it's always best to have those on you, they can get you out of quite the tough spot, and not to mention, they're pretty cool. In actual cool. Not Doctor cool. Yes, everything's there, including my 'special' lipstick, which I keep in my pocket. I keep a lot of things in my pocket. You would too, if you could probably keep a spare change of clothes in your pocket with room left. I follow the Doctor out of the TARDIS, and take in my surroundings.

It's nothing like I would've guessed. Damn it. The team got it wrong! I thought they were actually good at archaeology- well, sorry for overreacting there, I never really thought they were nearly as good as I am. I'm a hell of a good archaeologist, but it's not hard when you have a TARDIS, and a Doctor to piece together.

The Doctor turns to me and smiles. "Alright! I know there's a really good bakery not far awa-"

I see the all-too-familiar person behind him too late. There's a sudden pain to the back of my head, and everything goes black.

*Idris's Note- I'm sorry I couldn't stop them from being kidnapped.*

I wake up with a headache, in a bit of a daze. The familiarity of the place threw me off. For a second I thought I must've just had a crazy dream, but it quickly hits that I was knocked out. I was in Rome. Now I'm..

"Hello, Melody."

The voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me, bringing up memories that still sting like fresh wounds. I can't be here.. no..

"Did you miss me?"

I glare at the origin of the voice, hatred pulsing in my hearts.


"Glad you remember my name, love." She smirks at me. Her revolting smile. The way her lips curl makes me want to throw up. And she needs to brush her teeth. Badly-- well, you get the message, I hate her in the way that the sound of their name makes you want to punch through a wall. I sit up.

This is the cell I spent the first eight years of my life in.. the hiding.. the guilt for things I never did.. but the room's not the first thing that comes to my mind. "Where is the Doctor." I growl at her, and she smirks again. Ugh. "He is to be executed in.." She checks her watch. "6 minutes. And then I'll tend to you." Then the bitch just walks away.

But, as soon as she's out, I smirk, at myself. My clever self.

She doesn't realize I have a gun in my pocket.

~The Doctor's POV~

The darkness I see when I open my eyes is unsettling. I remember.. someone.. someone whacked the back of my head. Hard. And then, lights out.. oh god, I'm dead. No no no.. I can't be dead, I've got things to do, things to see- oh.. I can't be dead, my head hurts way too much for that. I have a.. black pillowcase over my head. Or something of the like... some sort of tape keeping my mouth shut, which I began licking at to make fall off.. I'm attached to a chair. My wrists are attached to the chair by handcuff-like things, my ankles attached as well.. okay, Doctor, NO. GET YOUR MIND OFF OF THAT THERE HAVE TO BE PEOPLE HERE AND YOU CAN'T HAVE YOURSELF BEING PUBLICLY DISPLAYED WITH A-

"Hello, Doctor."

The tape comes off of my lips, and I smile an unseen smile. "Kovarian. It's been a while. Luckily for me." I can hear the slight surprise, slight anger in Kovarian's voice. "HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SILENCED."

I just smile more. "I was. But I decided being silenced was stupid, so I stopped that."

The anger's a lot more prominent this time she speaks. "You are to be executed in one minute. Any last words, Doctor?"

I'm grinning at this point. "My wife isn't going to be very happy with you."

"Your wife is--"

There's the shot of a gun, and the sound of a door being busted down. I know who it is. "Hello, Sweetie. I'm home."

I pause. This is supposed to be her line. "And what sort of time do you call this?"

~River Song's POV~

I look at the Doctor, who's head is covered with a black bag, and he's decided to a chair. It's just Kovarian in here. All the guards were guarding the execution room.

I had fun executing them.

She had a syringe in her hand, with a needle at the end. Ah, figures. She was going to inject the sap of the Judas tree into him.. which is a bit unnecessary, she only really needs to put a couple drops on his skin, and he's.. oh, that's the point. Inject it, hurts more than one would imagine. I can't believe her.

Time nearly freezes, as I quickly aim my gun, and I pull the trigger.. oh, and it felt so sweet.. like relief. It felt like relief, as I watched the bullet find the target of Kovarian's brain.

And Madame Kovarian was no more.

Everything was surreal for a couple seconds after that. I couldn't believe it.. Kovarian gone.. I don't have to worry anymore.


"Shut up, husband." I shoot the lock on one of the cuffs-he flinches-and they all come undone. He stands, and pulls the black bag off his head, instantly looking down. "... You killed her." A small ripple of guilt hits me. And it instantly goes away. "She might as well have just killed me, a long time ago." I argue, and he sighs. He knows I'm right. I usually am. "We need to go, now." He says, glancing at the Vortex Manipulator on my wrist, and I nod, him putting his hand on my arm, as I type in the coordinates for the TARDIS, and we disappear from Demon's Run, and back into the TARDIS. It's silent, as he presses me against the TARDIS console and kisses me.

((Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, please leave comments!))

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