A New Morning

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~The Doctor's POV~

I lay next to River, watching her sleep. No, no! Not in the Twilight creepy vampire sort of way! That's just weird, why do people even enjoy reading about that kind of stuff? It's not even a healthy relationship! Anyway.. back to my River. She's curled up against me, her head resting on my chest. She sleeps more than me, but I was expecting that. She's only part Time Lord. Mostly Time Lord. But, still, a little bit human. Her parents were human, after all.

I'm thinking. The times I've had with her.. Oh, now those kinds of things can happen every day! But hopefully not every day. I don't think I can constantly stare at Weeping Angels and watch her shoot Daleks. But she's good with a gun. I might even say it's sexy.

Then it hits my mind.. One of the adventures with her. I frown. The first time I met her.. The Library.. With the Vashta Nerada.. and.. she sacrifices herself.. for me..

I bite my lip. No, no, I don't need to be crying! Bad Doctor! She's here with you right now, and I'm pretty sure she has many happy years with me! Damn these humany emotions. I'm not even human, why do I have to deal with these stupid things! But.. I look over at her sleeping body, and I sigh, closing my eyes, and relaxing. It's alright. It's fine.

She yawns, waking up, and sits up. She rubs her eyes.

"Sweetie?" She says softly. She's seeing if I'm awake. I smile softly, sitting up as well.

"I'm awake. Good morning, dear." I say softly, understanding that loud noises and voices aren't fun when you're just waking up.

She smiles and kisses me, softly. I kiss her back, and put my arms around her. Gently. She's all gentle and soft in the mornings, and I must admit, it's cute.

"Are you hungry? I want cereal." she says, still waking up.

I pause, stretching my legs. "Not quite yet, but go ahead and get some cereal to eat. I'll be there in a minute."

She smiles at me and slips out of bed, walking out in my shirt I let her wear to sleep in. I slowly get out of bed and stretch. I've been awake for a good hour, not wanting to wake her up. She looks so innocent and sweet while she's sleeping. But doesn't everyone?

~River Song's POV~

I walk to the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal. I'm not a big fan of milk, though, so I sit down and eat my Cocoa Puffs dry. I like this kind of morning, waking myself up after having nice dreams for once, cuddled up against the Doctor. Much better than the mornings of loud beeping, smacking the snooze button until the last minute and running out the door with mismatched shoes, hair even messier than normal, and not the greatest breath.

Never really the impression one wants to make, but sometimes people just have to be patient with me.

I put my hand on my head, leaning it onto my arm, still waking up. Tomorrow I'll ask him to make me some pancakes, I would really enjoy some pancakes--

The Doctor runs into the kitchen, fully dressed for the day, full of energy and grinning.

"So, River! What do you want to do today?" he says with a grin, plopping down into the chair across from mine, the chair skidding slightly.

"Eat my cocoa puffs." I reply, putting another spoonful of the chocolatey cereal into my mouth.

"Er, that's a bit boring." he mumbles, and I roll my eyes.

"I just want to eat right now. I don't think anyone wakes up as fast as you do." I say, with a slightly annoyed tone.. I haven't gotten my coffee yet, I'd love a cup of coffee, but it doesn't quite look like that's going to happen.

"I think it's a gift!" he pouts, and I can't help but smile. This crazy man.

"Well, since you're asking me? I kind of want to go to Rome. Ancient Rome." I say, continuing to eat, and the Doctor quickly stands.

"To Ancient Rome it is!" he grins, pushing his chair back under the table, then grabs my arm, pulling me toward the console room. I hopelessly reach for my cereal that he's dragging me away from.

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