Shopping of the Time Lords

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"A new diary?" the Doctor questioned River, holding her well-used diary in his hands. He remembered this diary very well, from the day he met her, even. Turned out to be a gift from himself, for the safety of time and space, actually.

River took a drink of her coffee and sighed. "Yes, a new diary.. the back cover could literally fall off at any moment, and I only have 3 blank pages left. I still have a Doctor to keep track of, even if he's with me all the time."

He gives the diary back to it's owner before he got the temptation to look through it's secrets, which wouldn't take any more than a flip through the pages, being a Time Lord-and a fast reader. Oh, how often he'd been tempted to see where that woman's been.. but then again, there was a chance that a simple read of the book could bring the universe to it's end.


"We needed to have a shopping trip, anyway." he said, remembering one of the discussions they'd had the day before; the day they spent mostly relaxing in bed. Again, mostly. Some of it couldn't exactly be considered relaxing.

"Should we make a list?" River asked, tilting her head slightly.

The Doctor shook his head. "No, that'd take too long! We need to just go in, buy the things, and get out. This really isn't how I want to spend my day!" he complained. "Let's just get going. Grocery shopping is boring."

~River Song's POV~

I had never been grocery shopping with the Doctor. I always assumed that either Idris just restocked the things *Idris- I'm a TARDIS, not a food dispenser.* or he just took care of his shopping while I was away. Apparently the latter is correct, as I follow him around in a 51st century earth grocery store- the century I'm most familiar with, and I find that I'm adding just as many familiar snacks and treats to the cart as the Doctor is adding miscellacious useless things- such as a toothbrush which uses magnetic suspension technology. 'And, River, it spins!'

Before long, our cart is much fuller than we had originally planned, and I nearly have to drag him over to the check-out, where he puts an entire box of chocolate bars into the basket, and I'm okay with that, to be honest. I love that brand. Aside from being really good chocolate, it's imported from another galaxy, which I still have think is pretty cool, even though I've been much further than a galaxy.

The Doctor pays the poor cashier with a huge wad of cash, and I have to tell the terrified cashier to just keep the change.

We get back to the TARDIS, where we eat half the box of chocolate bars before the Doctor decides he's ready for the next stop.

"River.. you stay here, I'll be right back with the diary, okay?" he says.

I sigh, putting a chocolate bar wrapper into the trash. "Why can't I just go with you?"

The Doctor shrugs, standing and walking to the console, pressing a couple buttons. "It's just easier to go in myself for this one, okay? Don't worry." And then he flies the TARDIS, as I go to put up the remaining chocolate bars.

By the time I'm back, he's gone, and I sit on the console to wait, pulling up my knees, having nothing better to do.

*Hello, Melody. How are you?*

I smile slightly, leaning my head back onto the.. uh, the part of the TARDIS that moves while in flight, damn it, what it's called escaped my mind.

*No worries, I don't remember the name of it myself.*

Thank you...anyway, I'm good. Are you?

*I'm fine, thank you. It would be nice if the Thief would actually follow instructions, every now and then.*

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