Alternate Time Lords

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River and the Doctor slept for a rather long time, all the way into early the next morning, and the morning went as usual.. until the day actually started. Then things get... a bit odd, to say the very least.

~River Song's POV~

I sat at the table, sipping my coffee, as the Doctor practically skipped around the kitchen with his plate of scrambled eggs, eating as he thought up places for us to go.

"There's this one planet I've never taken you to- they've got DRAGONS, River. Actual dragons, with wings and everything!" he rambled, grinning, with a mouthful of eggs. "Oh- we could one of Dezek's moons, they've got 5, River. Five moons! And they have the best tea in this universe, I swear my right heart on it!"

I smile. "Careful with your hearts, love. There's always somewhere better."

The Doctor shakes his head. "There isn't, I swear! I'll have to take you; if not today, another day--"

There's a slight shake in the floor of the TARDIS, a slight growling sound, and the TARDIS takes flight.


I sit up.

Mum? Are you okay? What's going on?

*I'm being pulled somewhere, don't know where, but I'm afraid we're going to go through a hole between universes, a rip in the fabric, we're going to crash.*

I'm guessin the Doctor reads the terrified expression on my face, because he quickly finishes his plate of eggs and sets the dirty plate on the counter.

"River? What's going on-!!"

The TARDIS shakes again, and we both sprint into the console room.

He's pressing buttons, pulling levers, and in general, sprinting around the TARDIS console, like a fool.

"What are you doing..?" I bring myself to ask, and he looks up.

"We're being forced to land, there's a rip in reality; between universes, we're being sucked into another universe. Can't stop that, but I can stop the TARDIS from crashing into the ground, I'm going to get us a nice, safe landing. Pull that lever for me!" he says, rather quickly, and I pull the lever in question- and the TARDIS lands, with a slight shake, but at least it's not the crash landing I was anticipating.

"Do you happen to know where we are?" I ask the Doctor, and he shakes his head.

"Don't know what's up with this universe, what's different or what's out there- but I know we've landed in this universe's London. Shall we go look?" he grins, just as excited with the danger of what might be just outside those doors as I am.

"Why wouldn't we?" I ask, grinning back at him, and he hooks his arm around mine, quickly walking to the doors and we push them open together-

We look outside and it's utterly normal.

I frown, and walk out with him.

"This.. this 'parallel' universe looks no different than our home universe.." I say, rather disappointedly, but the Doctor looks at me, still grinning.

"Yes, there's no immediate difference, but there's sure to be something interestingly different-" He's stopped during his sentence, by an all-too familiar noise, the noise of the TARDIS appearing.

This TARDIS, however, is appearing feet away from our TARDIS, with the exact same appearance. The Doctor and I look at each other, picking up the same sense of curiosity at this duplicate TARDIS, and we walk closer to it together, right up to the doors, when-

Both of my hearts, for youKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat