Chapter 4: Hanging out with Yang

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 4 of this story and this is the start of the romance in this story,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After what happened with the Symbiotic Wolverine (Y/N) felt stronger and he was lifting more weights and they had 50 pounds on each side and he was counting to 500 and he started picking up the pace..........

(Y/N): "497........498........499........500. Man it feels good to be strong."

Venom: (Our power is stronger. We are strong, we are smarter. And.........."

(Y/N)/Venom: "We are Venom."

.........then he hears his doorbell ring and he gets up and he goes to the door and he opens it to see Yang standing there........

(Y/N): "Hey Yang."

Yang: *blushes* "Hey (Y/N). How're you doing?"

(Y/N): "I'm fine. Never been better my entire life. So, what brings you to my home?"

Yang: "I was wondering if you would like to hang out tonight? I can't find anything to do so I want to know if you'd like to hang out."

(Y/N): "Sure, I would love to."

Yang: "Okay, see you tonight."

(Y/N): "See you."

........she walks off and (Y/N) closes his door and he walks in the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water........

(Y/N): "Look Venom, we know she's a huntress........"

Venom: (We believe her, she looks like someone we can trust.)

(Y/N): "Yeah. But, maybe we should keep what we are a secret."

Venom: (Of course.)


3rd P.O.V got night and (Y/N) slips on an outfit as Venom becomes a T-Shirt and he puts on a jacket. Then he walks out and sees Yang walking down the street and he walks beside her and they went on their way. They arrived at a bar and they were at the front of the bar and they sat down.........

Yang: "So (Y/N), how long have you been battling cancer? By the way you looked it looked like years."

(Y/N): "I was 14 when I learned about it. Then as it kept going I fought it and here I am still surviving it."

Yang: "Cool, you're really tough. So, what about your parents? I never seen them around."

(Y/N): "My dad disappeared when I was 15 and my mom took care of me, and she suddenly got sick and she's in a hospital right now. I miss her everyday and I just hope she feels better."

Yang: "I know how you feel, I lost my mom too. She ran away when I was a baby."

(Y/N): "That's cold. I'm sorry for you Yang."

Yang: "Thank you."

.........then they kept drinking and a song plays and Yang looks and she smiles brightly and she grabbed (Y/N)'s arm........

Yang: "Hey (Y/N). *he looks at her* Let's dance."

(Y/N): "I'm not sure Yang."

Yang: "Oh come on, please?"

Symbiotic Perfection: RWBY x Male Venom ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now