Chapter 11: Hanging out with Weiss

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers readers and followers, here is chapter 11 of this story and I have an announcement, I want you readers to give me 2 OCs for this story, I already have 2 and I need 2 more. And you can choose if they can be Marvel like characters or not. Just send me the OC in comments or Private Messaging,

Now with all that said,melt the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"(Y/N) was taking a shower and he was washing his hair and he got out and put on his clothes and Venom came and hid inside his clothes and he walks downstairs and goes in the kitchen and he goes in his refrigerator and brings out a soda and he drinks it and he leaned his head on his arm...........
(Y/N): "Just, acouple more Symbiotes and perfection is done."
Venom: (Yes, and once we do our perfection, the White Fang and anyone that stands in our way. They will suffer.)
...........(Y/N) suddenly had a feeling of what happened after he fought Raven, he wasn't himself as he did that, then he hears knocking at the door and he goes to it and he sees a girl standing there in white dress and her hair was white and her eyes are blue and he instantly recognized..........
(Y/N): "Hey. Are you one of Yang's teammates?"
Weiss: "Yes, I am. I am Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee dust company."
(Y/N): "Yeah, I already knew you are a Schnee. So, what do I owe this visit from you?"
Weiss: "I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me, I would really like to know you like Blake and Yang."
(Y/N): "Sure. I would love to."
Weiss: *smiles* "Great. Let's go."
........he walks out and he closes and locks his door and he walks with Weiss and they head to their location...........

3rd P.O.V

.........(Y/N) and Weiss headed to a cafe and they sat down and ordered drinks and they decided to talk.........
Weiss: "Hey (Y/N). *he looks at her* I heard somethings about you from Yang and Blake, and I actually want to hear it from you."
(Y/N): "Of course. I never had a good life growing up Weiss, when I was 14 years old. I found out I had cancer and the more I had it, the more it could kill me. *her eyes widen in sadness* But, I fought through it and here I am still alive."
Weiss: "I'm happy there's someone like you, if everyt heard about you. You would be the motivation to fight against cancer."
(Y/N): "Yeah."
Weiss: "So, I gotta ask. Why're you living on your own?"
..........(Y/N) looks down sad and Weiss regretted asking........
Weiss: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."
(Y/N): "No, no, no. It's okay, I'll tell you. My mother is the hospital right now sick and she's been like that for 2 years, and my dad disappeared long ago, I miss them. I really do."
Weiss: *holds his hand* "Don't worry, I'm sure they're proud of you for fighting cancer."
(Y/N): "Thank you, Weiss."
........then they got their drinks and they still talked and they got done and (Y/N) offered to buy him and Weiss and ice cream and she said yes and he walked up to the counter and ordered it, then Weiss looks at him and she placed her head on her head and smiled knowing that Yang and Blake were telling the truth about him and then she heard a slamming on a table and she sees a random guy looking at her in anger........
Weiss: "Can I help you?"
Random Guy: "Are you Weiss Schnee?"
Weiss: "Yes. Who could be asking?"
Random Guy: "You damned father abut down my father's business and it's because of what happened."
Weiss: "Look, you don't need to be approaching me because of it."
Random Guy: "No, I need to. Cause he's your father and you came from that family. *grabs her jacket and lifts her* And it's payback time."
.........the guy pulled his hand back and Weiss closes her eyes, but another hand came outta nowhere and stopped him and Weiss and the guy looks and (Y/N) held the guys fist.........
(Y/N): "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Random Guy: "Back off, this is between me and her."
(Y/N): "You have no right to take your anger out on anyone else cause the person is related to the one who shut down your father's store."
Random Guy: "She's part of that family. What would happen if it was your parents?"
..........(Y/N) gets angry and punched the guy in the face and he lets Weiss go and he held his face and (Y/N) slammed the guy through a table and he groans in pain and (Y/N) looks at Weiss and he helps her up........
(Y/N): "You okay?"
Weiss: "Yes, thank you."
........he gave Weiss her ice cream and they walked back to his house and they stood in front of it........
Weiss: "I really had a good time with you (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Same here, I really enjoy hanging with you Weiss."
Weiss: "Yeah. Well, see ya."
........she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and he blushes again and she walks off, then he watches her walk of and he goes in the house and he smiles.........
Venom: (Another trustworthy person to love us. Her, Blake, and Yang will be perfect."
(Y/N): (Yes, yes they will.)

Connors P.O.V

.........Connors was looking at a map and he circled the places where Venom attacked the people with the Symbiotes and he wrote down how they were as they had the pieces. Then he hears footsteps.........
????: "Dr. Connors."
.........he looks and sees Daniel Bruno standing there and he stands up........
Connors: "You arrived. That's good."
Daniel: "I had to get here quick, this symbiote is loose again and I need to find it. So, what's this?"
Connors: "It's appears that these locations are the ones that Venom attacked to gather the Symbiotes that was broken from him, but they were different from each one. The one here, was a bonded to a Wolverine Faunus. This one was a DJ that had a lightning semblance. And this one is just recently, this is where a vulture Symbiote was at and t made a big nest as it was attacked."
Daniel: "So, this thing is after the people and Faunuses that has pieces of him? Why is that?"
Connor: "He's trying to reach his perfection. If that happens the host has no chance in fighting back, the Symbiote will control him and destruction will happen."
Daniel: "I'll get it done. This host is not gonna loose himself."
.........he walks out and Connors looks down and he brings out the case with the syringe and Symbiote sample and he looks at it and he looks at the Syringe and rubs it."
Connors: "There will be a time where I will use you. But, not yet. *looks at the Symbiote sample* And you, he will find you and he will come and retrieve you. I will not allow that."

To be continued.......

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter, if you enjoyed this let me know and like I said, I need 2 more OCs and thy can be marvel character related or not,

Now with that said, see y'all next time.)

Symbiotic Perfection: RWBY x Male Venom ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now