The Striker

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I was walking to the stairs to walk upstairs but i stopped at the bottom when i heard crashing upstairs. 

Damon " You're choosing her over your own brother?"

Stefan " No, I'm choosing myself over everyone else. I was made for Cade's work. And, true to form, the minute I become my best self, you have to go ahead and ruin it. Well, I'm not gonna let you drag me down with you. Not this time."

Then i heard bones breaking.

Is this guy kidding me?

I walked outside to the veranda. Caroline and the hopefuls were there.

I walked to Caroline "Care!"

She turned to me confused "What is going on?"

Then i heard behind me "What beautiful ladies"

I turned around. Stefan stood there.

Me" Stefan, what did you do?"

Stefan showed me the striker" I see we're down to our finalists. Whatever that is. You can go now. I know you're not gonna want to see this."

He threw the striker to me. I caught it.

He put his hands on Violet's face.

Me "let them go."

Stefan looked at me surprised and irritated "Why? You knew all along I'd have to kill people for Cade."

Me" Evil people and murderers. These girls are innocent, Stefan."

Stefan " Exactly. Such exemplary young women. They have no idea that the world is out to crush them."

Then he broke her neck. her body went limp.

Caroline yelled "no!"

He moved to the girl in the blue dress.

Caroline speeded at him but he threw against a table. The able cracked and she sat up.

Stefan "Don't worry, she'll be back."

Caroline asked confused  "What do you mean?"

I scoffed and shook my head "you bastard "

Stefan smiled at me and then looked at Caroline "Well, I gave each one of these promising young women a little taste of my blood."

Caroline " You're turning them?"

Stefan "My girl inspired me, Caroline. "

He smiled at me "Who would have thought that a Queen would become engaged to a servant of Cade? Look in the mirror. Vampirism is a one-way path to hell."

Me "Unlike you, I can control my bloodlust. Not all vampires are evil."

He chuckled "yeah because you are so good at controlling your hunger"

I rolled my eyes.

Stefan "But we're engaged, Caroline. That means we're in this together. You're not just an innocent bystander if you let me kill for Cade. So unless you want to call the whole thing off, blood is on your hands, too."

I grabbed a wooden stake and threw it at Stefan. I hit his heart.

Stefan gasped"See? You're good at this killing thing."

Then he went gray and fell to the ground. I sighed and leaned against the post. 


I walked to Stefan who was still on the ground. Cade hadn't brought him back yet. Caroline was taking care of Violet.

Stefan gasped awake and his skin turned back to their normal color.

Stefan sat up and looked at me"Thought you'd have run for the hills by now."

I crossed my arms over my chest "I told you. We're in this together. If that means the blood's on my hands too, so be it. For the next year, we do what we have to do to get you out of your deal with Cade. But we do it my way. No more turning good people bad. We stick to murderers and drunk drivers."

Stefan chuckled dry and stood up " You don't get it, do you? I'm not in this for a year. I'm in this until I decide that I'm done. Three years, ten years. Cade was right. This is fun. I don't want to quit."

Me "You and I had a deal, too. We were supposed to spend our lives together. One day you're going to wake up and realize that... you don't even remember what happiness is. Not "fun"... but happiness. Until then, just do me a favor and stay the hell away from me."

Then i walked away. 

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