Chapter 1~

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GUYS ----> Okay so, this story goes into the future. Dont hate me if thats weird, but if i made it any later then everything would be messed up. So...I'll keep you up to date on all the dates..Dont worry!!


Carry on and enjoy~



It was the 13th December, 2009. We had almost hit a brand new year!

I had just started up at a brand new school and i wasnt looking forward to it!

See, i used to live in Scotland, technically i still do, but i had signed myself up to be an exchange student for the school, and i was given America. It was originally Germany, but they had to change it at the last minute due to flights being cancelled and airlines being closed for the Christmas holidays.

I was 19, and this was going to be my last year of school. I've actually finished my time in school in Britain, but since i offered to be apart of the exchange unit, i was having to sign up for school here in America.

I had actually arrived in America in late September, and found a flat to live in until now. The moving van had just set off on its journey to my new 'family's house. I was going to be staying with them for a year, but i still didnt know who they were. I was told on some of the documents that were sent over to me, but i hadnt read them over yet, i couldnt find the time.

But first, before we begin, let me introduce myself. Im Lacie, Lacie Williams. I am Hayley Williams younger sister. She's in a famous band called 'Paramore'. We dont keep in touch though

As i arrived at the unfamiliar school, i looked it up and down, taking in its appearance and inhabitors. Ugh, i wasnt used to the 'No Unifrom' rule, so seeing everyone in casual clothes was like seeing aliens playing ping pong!

Walking up to the main entrance, i walked past all the groups of teens.

There was the chavs or populars in their loose sweatpants, uggs, tank tops covered in fluffy Pauls Boutique jackets and bags.

There was the nerds or the rejects in flaired, boot cut denim jeans, niké trainers and checkered shirts. Very cliche -__-

Then there was the emo's, scenes, goths, outcasts whatever, in their skinny jeans and band Tee's. Those were my kind of people, the scene look. I accepted everyone though, appart from the chavs. I hated them.

I noticed that everyone was wearing some sort of jacket, gloves, hats, boots snd other warm clothes. Realising then, that it was mid-December, and it was winter here in America (A/N as i said, i got the climates mixed up so lets just pretend that in December its cold, okay? Thanks!)

Americas winter was so hot though! Well, compared to Scottish weather, the USA's climate for winter was about 10degrees HOTTER than Scotlands summer!!

I looked down to see what i was wearing compared to everyone else. I was wearing skinny jeans, and a TMNT males t-shirt which i had bought from the man's section in Scotland before i left. I loved it. There were no words to describe my love for this t-shirt.

Everyone was giving me weird looks, probably wondering how i could tollerate the weather or maybe because i was new. Or, knowing me, it was both. Plus i fitted in with the 'emo's. Yay me! *sarcasm..*

Upon entering the main building i saw many 'emos' ( i hate labelling people -__-) lounging around in the safe presence of teachers and reliable staff. They were all staring at me as i walked past and headed straight to the desk at the back. I glanced at them whilst waiting for the receptionist and they all had thinking faces on, so judging by that the were trying to catogorise me to see if they should even bother trying to be-friend me.

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