Chapter 4~

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Ok so its continued from the exact point from the last chapter but i'll write the last two lines,


"Its 10:45...Friend..." Andy laughed and everyone else joined in.

"Why me!?" I thought out loud.

"...You really dont want want to be friends with us, do you?" Jake asked sadly.

"Its not that...I mean, you guys are really great! And i live with one of yous, and yous are like my idols, but i cant then loose yous..I've had, what you could say, very bad expieriences with people leaving me before..Scotland is so far away," I tried to explain.

"It'll be fine..Please? We really want to be your friends," Ashley tried to reason with me.

"I guess so then...But..Oh god..." I sighed and let a small smile creep onto my face when i realised Black Veil Brides practically begged me to be their friend...Hells yeah! Achievment.

"Lets get some breakfast, im so hungry!" Jake complained.

"Dude, you're always hungry! But i agree," CC chuckled.

We all marched, literally marched, down the stairs like the noobs we are and sat around the dining table. I sat quietly and patiently whilst the guys got up and raided through CC's coupbards.

"School today?" Andy asked.

"Um, No!" I laughed.

Everyone laughed and gave me a highfive or a bro fist.

"One year in America will not be wasted in fucking school, i can say that right now,"

"I like the way you think," Ashley grinned and started pouring cocopops into a large bowl.

"What about the mall?" Jinxx suggested, not taking his eyes off his toast whilst he buttered it.

"Ugh really? I mean, i enjoy shopping, who doesnt, but come on, ifi wanted to go shopping I could have stayed int he UK and caught a bus to the town,"

"Good point actually. Where do you want to go today then?" Jake asked me with a mouth full of toast and jam.

I stood up and stole Ashley's bowl of cocopops from him and i started to eat them casually like they were always mine.

"Hey!" Ashley accused me.

"Friends share!" I boasted, emphasising the 'friends' part. He stuck his tongue out at me and made himself some more.

"Anyways, not sure Jake, any suggestions?" I responded to Jake's original question. I got up and got myself some apple juice after finishing my cocopops. I placed the full cup infront of me and Ashley swiped it away.

"What the hell Ashley?"

"Friends share!" He quoted me from earlier.

"Touché!" I winked at him and stole a swig before giving it back to him.

"Okay i've decided, im going to the beach," I announced as i walked upstairs to get packed.

"Are you mad!?" Andy called.

"Its 10degrees hotter than Scotlands summer, let me enjoy this moment!" I called back.

"Oh right yeah...Oh well..!" He muttered as i carried on up the stairs shaking my head and chuckling at his lack of memory.

I packed all the necessities in a waterproof string bag and got changed into my dark denim shorts and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles T-shirt and i shoved on my flipflops and grabbed my converse for later. I shoved my hair into a messy bun and grabbed everything, and headed downstairs.

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