Chapter 3~

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We continued talking and laughing until CC's mum called us all down for our dinner.

We all gathered around the table and she served us KFC's finest; The family bucket!

"Hope you like KFC dear," She smiled at me and put my plate down infront of me using barbeque tongs to place a large thigh and two chicken drumsticks on it.

"Yeah i love it! I havent had it in years though!" I smiled and started ripping off the meat from one of the drumsticks.

"How come?" Jake asked me.

"Well in Scotland we make our own food more than America. Most meals are homemade, none of these take-a-ways,"


"Hey, how about i make dinner tomorrow night actually?" I offered.

"You sure?" CC asked skeptically.

"I insist!" I grinned, "I love cooking, and i think you's need a break from all these fatty foods! How yous guys still stay skinny, i'll never know!" I chuckled.

"I feel the same way," CC's dad laughed, "No beer bellies, no flab, god knows how mind you!"

"Well awesome! What will be on the 'menu' then?" Andy asked,

"I can cook almost anything to be honest. Main meals are usually Lasange, spagetti, pasta, soup, pizza, steak pie, baked potatos...Anything!"

"PIZZA!" Jake shouted, his eyes wide with craving making me burst out laughing.

"Aw what!? I wanted steak with chips.." Ashley whine and stuck his lower lip out in a really cute pout.

"Ladies, ladies!" I calmed them down from their bickering, "I'll make both,"

"Really?" Andy and CC's mum said at the same time.

"Yup," I popped the 'p' as i started on my chicken thigh.

"Hells yeah!" CC chuckled.

Dinner wasnt very eventfull, i got to know the guys a bit more, and i opened up a lot more towards them rather than shying away. I guess i cant avoid them forever.

After dinner we went into CC's room and just hung out,

"CC?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I thought you were mad? Like insane and crazy!"

"I am, but im trying to make a good impression,"

"Ah, i see," I nodded in understandment, "But you don't have to you know. Im pretty insane myself," I admitted although by their expressions they didnt believe me.

"Really?" Andy asked me.

"Yeah but i'm quiet because i didnt want to make friends, mind?" I reminded him.

They all had looks of rememberance on their faces which made me laugh.

"Still dont want friends?" Ashley asked.

I had to think. Did i? I was begining to have second thoughts..But i'd stand my ground the now. I need to see how difficult it really is going to be. It may be really simple. Or i may be proven wrong, and that i really do need friends.

"Nope, i still dont want any here...Sorry..." I sighed as i saw their faces flood with dissapointment. Did they really want to be my friend that badly? I couldnt be that interesting. I was pretty normal.

"Well anyway, i'm going to bed...So yeah, night guys," I waved and went into my room silently and fell asleep as soon as i reached my bed.


Hatred Belongs In A Heart~ (Black Veil Brides FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora