Chapter 6~

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When everything was cooked, i called everyone to the already set dining table and i started serving everyone food. I took the plates through, two at a time, and placed them infront of everyone. I brought through the leftovers and sat them on a silver tray in the middle. I got everyone a glass and brought through various large bottles of juice; Dr Pepper, Pepsi, Fanta and Irn Bru.

When i finally got to sit down, everyone else was already tucking into their meals.

"Mhh..!" Ash moaned as he ate some of the tender stake.

"No orgasms at the table please," I teased him playfully making everybody laugh, even Jane and Mark were spluttering about.

He gave me a playful glare and continued to say, "This is SO good! Where did you learn to cook like this!?"

"Thanks, and my mum and dad both taught me before he left for the army.." I trailed off and bit my lip, and just stared at the table.

"Oh.." Jinxx said sympathetically.

"It really is delicious though! Much better than take-outs every single god damn night!" Mark complemented.

"Haha i bet! When i was younger, back in Scotland, I never had take-a-ways, or take-outs, it was all real. I had one maybe ounce a month?" I laughed and started eating some of the chips.

"Lucky!" Jane giggled.

"Well, i'll be happy to cook meals afew times a week if yous want?" I offered genorously.

"Really? That would be amazing!" Jane squealed happily.

"Of course," i grinned.

"God the only time i ever get home made meals is at Christmas," Ash complained, "Which by the way, you are coming right?"

"Coming where?" I questioned him.

"To mine, for Chritsmas," Ash grinned proudly.

"Are you sure?" I asked.


"Then i'd be honoured," I smiled, "Gosh, i havent smiled this much in much whole life than i have these past few days!"

"Haha! Now you have to be our friend because we make you happy!!" CC stated happily.

"I guess i do..." I faked being sad.

Jane and Mark gave us weird looks but we just shook our heads dismissing the silent question they were asking us. I finished my dinner quickly and faster than anyone else, so i picked up my plate and glass and put them in the sidhwasher, and walked upstairs. I really didnt want any friends, but i really wanted to be friends with them. They were the only exeption, if any.

I know that if i do though, i'll get hurt.

I didnt notice someone come in, until i felt arms around my shoulders. I turned to look at the person and saw it was only Ash. He smiled down at me and pulled me over to my bed where he then sat me down.

I layed across my bed, my legs extended out across the bed and my head resting on Ashley's lap. He started stroking and playing with my hair, making my scalp so all numb and tingly. It was a nice feeling though.

"Tell me whats wrong please?" He whispered, trying not to shatter the silence completley.

"What do you mean?" I asked him eben though i knew exactly what he means.

"Why do you hate us so much?" He asked me in a sad tone. He stared at me, locking eyes with mine. I couldnt force myself to look away, I was so intrequied by his beautiful chocolate pools that we call 'eyes'. 

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