Chapter 9~

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~Christmas Day Part 3~

We wandered into the room and Stacey was sitting there waiting patiently.

"We're back," I smiled and sat on my sleeping bag, which was actually very comfy!

"Hey mum," Ash greeted Stacey and went over to the mirror to fix his hair. I rolled my eyes and he saw me in the mirror and stuck his tongue out at me.

Stacey was smirking on the bed as we exchanged childish looks.

"Anyways, I want to talk to you..About...Your arms.." Stacey said and bit her lip. I gave Ash a dirty look as if to say 'fucking thanks *sarcasm*'. He gave me a sorry look so i sat up straight and focused on what Stacey had to say to me.

"Mum, its Christmas and im pretty sure she doesnt want to hear how to treat herself.." Ash spoke up. I sent him a thankful look.

"I know im sorry, but i hate seeing people do that to themselves..They shouldnt have a reason to do it.."  Stacey appologised slightly but in a kind manner.

 "Its alright, really," I smiled but still felt slightly out of place in this conversation. 

"Guys!!" CC called, "Come on! Its Christamas!"

I rolled my eyes playfully and walked to the door, but turned back to wait on Ash, but Stacey was keeping him back by holding onto his forearm.

"I'll be down in a moment," He smiled at me and i nodded and walked downstairs.

"Hey guys," I greeted them, and i saw that all the parents where on the couches and the guys were on the floor.

"Cuddle me! Im cold!" Jake whined. I rolled my eyes playfully again, and went to go snuggle up with him on the floor. I sat inbetween his ourstretched legs and leaned back on his chest.

"What are we watching?" I whispered.

"The Muppets Christmas Carol," CC whispered back.

"Classic," I chuckeld queitly.

~Ash's POV~

"Mum, let me go down!" I whined.

I am a 24 year old guy being ordered around by his mum. Wow thats sad.. o__O

"I just wanted to talk to you.." Mum trailed off.

"..About..?" I pushed her onward to get on with whatever she had to say.

"Lacie," She replied more confidently

"What about her?" I asked nervously.

"Oh, come on Ash! I know you like her," She smirked.

"No! Well..Yeah I guess..So what...?"

"Wow that was easier than i thought...Anyway, what is going on between yous two?"

"Nothing," I sighed. I hated saying that. I would really like there to be something.

"So you's don't date?" She asked confused.

'Sure, i'd love to be her boyfriend. I'd keep her safe, love her like nobody has before. I'd give her anything to keep her happy. I'd tell her how beautiful she is every single day..I've never felt this protective over anyone..Ever..Not in this sence anyway...' I thought to myself. Or so i thought i did...

When i looked up from my thought my mum had tears brimming in her eyes.

"Mum!?" I asked and pulled her into a hug.

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