Chapter 2~

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Just so we are clear, it will all be in Lacie's POV unless i tell you other wise :3


We went to the cafeteria and got our lunch. I got a baked potato, apple juice and some sponge cake.

"So we arent allowed to be friends with you?" Jake randomly asked.

"Pretty much...I just dont want to loose anyone, Scotland's on the other side of the world from here,"

"Its going to be a long year without friends though.." CC said and everyone agreed by nodding or simply saying 'yeah'.

"Who's your exchange family by the way?" Andy asked, still timidly.

I smiled at his fear of me and shrugged, "Actually i dont know, i never got round to reading the documents i was sent,". I pulled out the documents with all the details on it and handed it to Ash and Jinxx to read, then pass it on.

"No way!" Ash grinned and looked up from the sheet.

"What?" I asked.

"Hold on a sec," Ash said then turned to CC, "CC, i didnt know your parents signed up for the exchange unit!"

"What!? Let me see that thing!" CC grabbed it and scanned it over.

"Huh..Well, Lacie, looks like you're staying with my family now!" He grinned happily.

I gulped. No! I dont want to make friends, and if i stay with him, im going to have to. FML.. T_T

"Great," I said with fake - but believable - enthuisiasm.

"So thats why they were prepping the spare room!" CC said with realisation.

Whilst everyone was talking and eating, i shoved my tray aside and pulled out my large notebook from my bag and started writing in it. I was updating a story i had written. It was about a young girl escaping the depths of hell; her home. She moves away and starts again with her life, leaving her with loads of possibilites.

I was really proud of it so far.

"Whatcha doing?" CC asked me, snapping me out of my author zone. A zone i learned to create to block out everything and everyone when writing, so my only thoughts were my ideas and to move my pen.

"Writing," I answered simply.

I still didnt want to make friends, so i tried to talk as little as possible.

"Still not talking huh?" Oh well..You'll soon realise you need friends," Jinxx sighed and took away all our trays for us.

I stood up and started to walk away but someone grabbed my arm and prevented me from moving any further.

Rolling my eyes i turned around to face the culprit guilty of holding me hostage.

"Want to head home?" CC asked softly making me feel bad for snapping.

"Sure," I smiled trying to soften up a bit. CC wasnt bad, i was just annoyed i had to stay with him. Out of everyone, it had to be the one person who is trying to be my friend. Im flattered really, but this is going to be a long year.

"Can the guys come?" He asked.

"I dont know, can they?" I replied. He grinned and gathered everyone back towards us and we set off to CC's, or now our, house.

We took the short walk to CC's house and stopped outside a large pale cream house, which im assuming is his.

"Welcome home!" CC put his hands on my shoulders and urged me forward. I gulped when we reached the door, so CC opened it smiling,

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