Chapter 8~

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~Christmas Day Part 2~

On my plate ther was two large slices of seasoned turkey, five brussel sprouts, a portion of cabbage, three roast potatoe's, two yorkshire puddings, and a hand full of sliced carrots bits.

"Hungry much?" CC chuckled to me. We all glanced at his overflowing plate, "Okay, i get it, fine, hungry much for a girl?". All the females continued to stare at him and he sighed, "I'll just shut up," He muttered, defeated.

All the parents were now here, so they were all asking me questions and stuff. I had a really good time at dinner! The food was amazing, everyone was so nice and friendly, and we all just talked and laughed.

"Who wants triffle?!" Stacey asked in a sing song voice. Everyone rasied their hands but me,

"No thanks, im not a big fan of triffle, but thank you anyway," 

"MORE FOR MEEE!!!!" CC shouted and grinned widley, using his signature toothy grin.

After everyone was finished their triffle it was time for the Christmas crackers! I pulled mine with Ash and Mathew since i was sitting next to them.

"Ash," I said to catch his attention then i waved the cracker about nfront of his face when he turned to face me. He got the hint so we stood up behind our chairs so we had more room and started pulling on our ends.

I tugged really hard but it still didnt crack so i put both my hands on it, resulting in md falling back onto the floor. Everyone looked around concerned but i fell into fits of laughter when Ash helped me up.

"Thanks," I managed to cough out in my laughter, "Did it crack yeah?"

"Yeah," Ash chuckled and handed me it,

"ohh!! Whats in it!" I stuck my had inside the open cracker and felt around. I pulled out 3 things.

"Yay!! I have a purple party hat! i also have a joke and 4 charades...And what did i get...A beer opener? I wont ever use that!" I laughed.

Everybody started pulling their crackers and by the end of it, we were all wearing multi-coloured party hats. We all had different toys and gadgets too, like beer openers, rubbers, mini notebooks, high lighters, whistle's, the whole shambang!

"I got a fucking beer opener.." I complained playfully,

"And i got a fucking whistle..." Ash complained.

"Trade!?" We both said at the same time making us laugh. I held out the beer opener thing, and Ash handed me his whistle,

"WOOP!! Rape whistle.." I grinned and examined the small piece of plastic.

I held the whistle in my fist and ran to the living room wth it, holding it high and proud! I flopped on the couch and pulled my laptop on my lap and searched the internet on random things.

Hayley had sent me afew messages on twitter saying Merry Christmas and other shizz that i couldnt care less about right now..Then i checked skype and my dad wasnt on, wich got me really upset. I got bored really easily and decided to go upstairs. I wandered around the house slightly, trying not to snoop around when i heard afew whimpers and scratches.

'What the..!?' Was my immediate thought. I followed the noise and it led me to a door, obviously another room. I stood by the door, and sure enough the whimpers and scratches were louder than before.

I held the door handle cautiously and opened it slowly to be greeted by the cutest things ever! Two small dogs, one black and one white, were plodding around the room whimpering every so often. The white one held an over sized rope toy in its mouth and the black one came sprinting towards me.

Hatred Belongs In A Heart~ (Black Veil Brides FanFic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant