Chapter 11~

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A/N So the cliff hanger huh? Um..I hope you..Enjoy it...Hehehe....You's guys are going to hate me


Sorry for the long wait this is a short chapter, I know, but It's sort of interesting none the less, right? I thought so :D

"I was wondering..." He said.

"...Uh-huh...?" I questioned looking around over my shoulder to face him.

"Will you..." He sort of smiled.

"Out with it boy!" I whined.

"Hey, im a man!!" He protested.

"Agghh, just tell me, please!" I laughed and waited for him. I was actually getting pretty nervous. What did he want to ask..?

"Can i have a shot of your motor bike please?" He asked me finally.  

*(Dont hate me! That was it..The cliff hanger is now over XD..)*

"Sure," I grinned.

Ash jumped off the back and put his hands on my waist and lifted me off. He sat at the front and I sat behind him, just like we used to when we were on his bike. I wrapped my arms around him securely and waited for him to start the engine up again

When we finally set off, we practically did the same things over again, drive around the mud track screaming and whooping for ages, just having a good time together and enjoying each others company. When we decided to slow down for a bit, we stopped near the entrance and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. 

Pulling it out and checking the caller ID, i saw it was Andy, so I tapped the 'answer' button and held it to my ear. My breathing was heavy and un-even so that wasnt a good start..

"Sup," I said and took a deep breath in.

"Uhh, Lacie?" He chuckled.

"Shut-up, me and Ash were on my motor bike," 

"Ah, I see now. Anyways, tell Ash we are going to be having a band practice in 20 minutes, so tell him to get his ass back here so we can start,"

"Will do,"

"Thanks Lacie, take care," 

"Of course, Bye," I chuckled.

"Bye," He hung up.





"I HAVE NO IDEA!!" I laughed.

"Okay, lets go,"


"Im driving though," I stated.

"Ohh what!?"


"Damn you and the law that says I ain't allowed to hit a girl.." He mumbled jokingly.

I laughed and slapped his ass when he got off, making him run around the other side and almost giggle like a little girl. That - ladies and gentlemen - is how you get Ashley Purdy to move his sweet ass. 

Like a boss.

We drove home silently, other than the occasional woops everytime I skidded around a corner or something.

When we showed up, I hopped off the bike and ran inside, adrenaline still coursing through me.

I ran through to the kitchen, Ashley was hot on my tail and we skidded to a hault when I almost smashed into an Amp. 

I stopped running suddenly, but Ash didn't so he skidded right into me, making me fall over the amp. I felt a crushing pain making me scream out in agony.

I could barely see, my vision was covered in black spots. I could feel liquid pouring out of me, soon acknowledging it as being blood. That was not good.

"Lacie!" I heard a male voice shout, then after that all I heard was pur commotion. Female's were screaming, men were shouting, there was stomping all around me and the blood still poured out of me.

I whimpered slightly, not being able to actually speak,

"Shhh..I'm so sorry, Lacie. This is all my fault.." I recognized Ashley's voice.

I tried shaking my head, but my body was having none of that, so I tried speaking, and yet again I couldn't, so I just made a noise of disagreement. 

He started stroking my cheek and I heard ambulances in the distance,

"I'm alright.." I croaked out.

He shook his head solemnly and backed away, letting the paramedics load me into the back of the ambulance.

~Ashley's POV~

"Stop blaming yourself for this, Ashley. You didn't know she was going to stop so suddenly! Ashley, stop it, please, you're scaring me," My mother tried to snap me out of my blank expression.

I wouldn't talk. Or move. I was barely breathing. I didn't deserve to be able to do those things. If Lacie couldn't move or speak because of me, I wasn't going to move or speak until she could. It's not fair otherwise.

"Ashley, please!" She continued to beg me, but all I did was shake my head at her.

A nurse walked out of the room Lacie was currently at, "We have to change wards again, Mr. Purdy. She needs emergancy surgery. My thoughts are with you," She said softly.

I shook my head and raked a shaky hand through my hair, "Do you know what happened to her?" 

She nodded ounce, "When she tripped over your amplifier,-" Always so proffesional..."-She seems to have pierced her Kidney. She's broken a few ribs too, but at the current time, we are more concerned to get make sure the Kidney can be replaced, so to speak, and then we can begin the process of replacing the ribs," She told me gently.

I nodded slightly and my mother then started having a conversation with her, involving Lacie's health, but I couldn't bring myself to listen. I had done this..

The fact that I fell into her, it's killing me..I vowed there and then, that if god forbid Lacie doesn't make it, I'll kill myself too. She doesn't deserve this. It should be me lying in that hospital bed. 

"Ashley?" My father snapped his fingers infront of my face bringing me back to the real, cruel world that I so badly just wanted to esacape. But I couldn't..Damn, but I wish I could.

I gave him a questioning look, and he continued, "Lacie is being transferred to a different word now for emergency surgery...Are you coming? We're going to follow and wait outside..?" 

I nodded and slowly stood up, wishing my knees would just give way underneath me, and knock me out.

I slowly traveled behind them, noticing Lacie's limp body in the cot that the doctors were rushing her about in. Even in her state, she still looked beautiful. Her pale skin..But more paler..Not light pink tint to her cheeks, just white. Sickly white.

 A/N I will try and upload soon, sorry for the previous long wait!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2012 ⏰

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