Chapter 10~

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~Lacie's POV~

When my eyes finally decided to go into battle with the world and open, i was blinded by streaks of gleaming light. My poor fucking eyes!

I groaned sleepily and rather loudly at the pain, but immediatly hushed myself when i remembered i was in the company of 5 men. 5 sleeping men. Not a good combination...

Ounce im awake, there is no getting me back to sleep, unless im absolutely shattered. Which i wasnt, so i guessed i had to wake the guys up. I slowly started to shimmey my way to the bottom of the bed, out of Ashley's tight grasp around my waist, until i reached the bottom. Lucky Ash didnt have a 'headboard' or i guess in this situaton, a 'footboard' at the end of his bed, so i easily slid off. I dodged Jake who was sleeping soundly at my feet, and started tip-toeing my way around the snoring guys until I reached my destination; The bathroom. 

When i got to the bathroom, i shut the door behind me quickly and quietly and locked it behind me. I put my hands on the curved edges of the sink, and rested my body weight on my arms. I looked into the sink before rising my head a looking in the mirror.

I didnt look too bad i guess, i didnt have any smudged makeup on my face, like i usually do, so my pale face was still pale and more importantly, clean. That was a bonus.

My hair was disheveled so i grabbed Ashley's brush off the little shelf and brushed all the knots out. I decided i would take a shower before anyone else woke up, and before the bathroom was over-run by all those neat-freak stylists out there. I loved them really of course, but it was a fight for survival when you live with them and the bathroom was top priority!

I grabbed a fresh, fluffy towel off of the rack; Im sure Ashley wouldnt mind, and turned the shower on..(Haha turned the shower

. I adjusted the heat and pressure settings and started to get stripped off. I turned my back to the mirror and whilst i was facing that way (towards the door), i checked to see if the door was still locked; Luckily it was. I turned back again, and tried to ignore my naked reflection as much as possible but unfortunatly i caught a side glance of it and then ounce i saw them, i couldnt turn away.

Scars. So many scars. Not too visible, but not invisible either..

They were all over my poor stomach, just bellow my bust. They had special arrangement; Tally marks. Just a chart or record of the anger i had towards life, is all. One for the day Hayley left me, two for the day dad left me, one for finding out i had temporary depression..And then there were a few strays that i did for no complete reason..I just felt like i needed to cut. 

I was so lost in thought i didnt notice someone had managed to get into the bathroom until i heard a sharp gasp from behind me. I spun around on my heels quickly, almost by instinct, and what i saw when i was there was the face i was most dreading to see at a time like this..And the person i saw?

Was Ashley.

My eyes widned and my arms automatically went to cover my chest, and i crossed my legs over too. 

'How stupid are you!? Who stands naked in a bathroom that doesnt belong to you!?' My conscience scolded me.

'Shut up, it was locked!!" I retorted.

"...Lace..?" Ash asked.

I bit my lip and saw i was blushing furously. '

'Of course. Your stupid fangirl moment kicks in now!' My conscience mocked me.

"SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!' I yelled furiously at the annoying voice at the back of my head.

"..Umm...I..Er...!" Was all i managed to get out.

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