5 years earlier

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                Getting a full ride scholarship was something I dreamed about for four years but I never thought it would actually happen. When I opened my acceptance letter the only thing I wanted to do was show Eva, my girlfriend since freshman year. I ran down the street to her grandma's house with the biggest grin on my face and the letter proudly in my hand.

                                "Eva! I got accepted into KU!" I yelled while I made my way up to her bedroom. It was extremely quiet in the house which was abnormal. When I opened the door I saw her curled up in the bed crying. My mood instantly shifted seeing her eyes swollen.

                                "What's wrong?" I asked and sat next to her. She shrugged her shoulders and wiped her pretty brown eyes.

                                "I'm going to lose you, Terrell..." she whispered and put her head into the soaking wet pillow. Eva had a guilty look in her eyes and it wouldn't go away. All of a sudden I didn't want to tell her the good news anymore.

                                "Why? I thought we were gon' go to the same school?" I wanted to believe that the look in her eyes was because maybe she didn't get accepted but something told me otherwise. I could see the plans we made our entire senior year was only a dream and I was dumb enough to think she would get out of the hood with me.

                                "Baby you know I love you...I really do love you," she started to say but her tears cut her off. She grabbed my hand and sighed.

                                "Tell me wassup,"

                                "Baby I didn't...I slept with Junior...It wasn't planned...I just...I don't know what I want anymore and you're leaving for college and I'm staying here because I didn't even apply anywhere. I'm really sorry, Terrell but I can't wait for you." Eva's words left me feeling numb and I didn't know if I wanted to choke the life out of her or leave. I stood there looking at her but I couldn't find the words to say anything. Eva was the first girl I ever loved and it was that moment I made a promise to myself I would never love another the way I loved her. She was supposed to be my dream girl and now I couldn't stand to even look at her. Eva reached for my hand but I pulled away.

                                "Imma bounce..."

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