Ch. 6

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Harlem's birthday party was going to be at Nicki's place in a few hours. At the last minute, Nicki changed the address from Eva's place because Eva still hadn't shown up to get Harlem. Nicki wasn't surprised but it tripped me out. Eva really didn't give a fuck about Harlem. I finished up at the shop and headed home to get Harlem's birthday present. On Wednesday I noticed her staring at a life sized teddy bear dressed in a pink and gold polka dot dress. She tried not to stare at it as she showed me a different one she wanted to give to Nicki. I bought her both yesterday and another outfit. Shopping for her was starting to get easier now that I knew what I didn't want her wearing. I put a hundred dollar bill in her birthday card, sealed it and signed it with pride as her dad. After I was finished putting her presents by the door, I went upstairs to take a shower. As soon as I got out the shower, I answered the phone before it stopped ringing.

"Hey mama, you okay? I'm on my way," I answered as I finished drying off.

"I know you haven't left yet honey, just making sure you didn't forget about your mama. I'm excited to meet my grandbaby,"

"Nah, I'm about to leave the house now. I'll call you when I'm outside mama," I said before we hung up and I finished getting dressed. I wore a black T-shirt and dark blue jeans. The black and gold Jordan's complimented the small gold chain I always wore. I couldn't wait to get Harlem the same chain that I had.

Mama was waiting outside of her small two bedroom house when I pulled up. She grinned widely with a wrapped birthday gift under her arm. Mama was lean and had flawless ebony skin. Her hair was in a sleek bun and her body hid behind a loose fitting blue dress.

"You look handsome son, I pray to Jesus, Mary and Joseph you aren't trying to get her back just because of Harlem," mama looked at me with a stern look. I put the car in drive and shook my head no. There was nothing from Eva I wanted besides my daughter.

"Nah, that's the last thing I'm trynna do. I don't even know if she gon' be there. Nicki said she still ain't heard from her." I said as I turned the radio off. Suddenly her frown was replaced with a smile. I was expecting her to tease me about liking her but she looked out the window with a smile instead. She knew I liked Nicki before I was willing to admit it to myself. I still couldn't figure out how though. All I did was tell her how good was with Harlem, express how much they adored each other and how I thought it was dope of her to go out of her way so I could see Harlem.

When we got to Nicki's place, I had to drive around twice to find somewhere to park. There was a big bounce house in the back where everyone was. There were more kids than I thought would be there. Several women eye balled me hungrily as I made my way thru the crowd. Since I put my gifts in the house and came outside empty handed, I caught Harlem's flying body with no hesitation as she flung herself into my arms with an excited scream. I tickled her for a few seconds and then gave her a kiss.

"Happy birthday princess," I said and put her back on the ground. She blushed and put her hands on her hips the same way Eva used to do.

"Where's my present? Titi was looking for you," Harlem looked up at me with glistening hazel eyes. She was wearing gold leggings and a pink tutu with too much glitter. The pink and gold shirt also had too much glitter. She had glitter on her cheeks and up her nose and there was a tiara placed perfectly on her mangle of curly black hair. Mama fell in love.

"Harlem, I want you to meet my mom. She's your grandma," I stepped to the side and mama held out her birthday present. Right away, Harlem's uneasiness passed and she took a step close enough to grab the gift.

"Happy birthday lady bug," mama smiled and looked around the party.

"Say thank you, Harlem," Nicki's voice made my neck turn to the side quickly. She was wearing a loose white sundress but it was tight enough to see she had curves. Her hair was straightened and when she smiled, I think I felt my heart stop beating. She looked like a real life breathing angel in all white. Mama smirked and looked Nicki over while Harlem tore thru the wrapping paper.

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