Ch. 9

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"Are you sure this romper is okay? I don't want her to think imma hoe," Nicki looked in the mirror again and then rolled the window up. We were on our way to mama's house and I thought it was cute she was so nervous. Even though she didn't believe so, she really did look gorgeous. She wore her hair in a side ponytail with her natural curls that fell over her shoulders. The black romper she wore fit her body perfectly. It looked like it was made to fit her curves and I was jealous it wasn't me touching her skin. Harlem laughed from the backseat.

                                "Titi you said that you like your romper at home," Harlem's laughter brought chills up my arms. I chuckled and turned into the driveway behind mama's white Cadillac truck. It was old and beat up but it was hers and she was proud of it. That was the only vehicle we had growing up and sometimes it was more than just a truck. Sometimes when we got evicted, we slept there until mama figured something out for the two of us. Nicki grabbed my hand and pulled me from my thoughts. This was the first time bringing a girl to mama's house for dinner. I was a little nervous even though they seemed to get along. But that was at a birthday party, things were a little more personal now that it was going to be just the four of us.

                                "Come on daddy, it's hot outside and I don't wanna sweat! Come on Titi!!" Harlem kicked the back of my seat and tried to get out of the car seat.

                                "Haha, that's why you can't get out by yourself since you wanna act like a brat," Nicki teased while she made a funny face at Harlem. They laughed until Nicki came around the side of the car and unbuckled Harlem.

                                "By the way, tell whoever cut your hair, they gotchu lookin' right boo," Nicki smirked.

                                "Yeah, you the shit and you know it now get inside witcha conceited ass," I smiled at the glow of happiness across her cheeks. Harlem walked inside the two bedroom house with her eyes taking in every detail of the small living room. Her eyes immediately saw the 70 inch TV. Mama was sitting on the green couch where I lost my virginity with a glass of tea in her hand. When she looked up from the book she was reading, she put her reading glasses on the bridge of her nose and waved us closer.

                                "Just in time to help me peel the potatoes. It's good to see you Nicki. Hey Ladybug," mama held her arms to me with a smile. After our hug ended, she hugged Harlem and then Nicki and then we went into the kitchen. Mama showed Nicki around the kitchen as I helped Harlem wash her hands. There were already pork chops baking in the oven.

                                "I thought you'd wanna help me bake the cookies. That sound okay with you Ladybug?" Mama's eyes lit up every time she interacted with Harlem. She loved her even before she met her. Harlem grinned and stood on her tiptoes so she could see over the table. She turned around and looked at mama with big hazel eyes.

                                "I like when you call me Ladybug,"


                                "So do you work, Nicki?" Mama asked and finished washing the dinner dishes. Nicki wiped the kitchen table clean and pointed a finger at Harlem who was playing with her sweet potatoes instead of eating them. She wasn't a fan of mushy food.

                                "I run my own beauty shop over by Parkland," Nicki replied and stood behind Harlem's chair as she scurried into my arms. Once Harlem felt she was safe from Nicki, she kissed my cheek and then turned to face Nicki with her tongue poked out.

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