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namjoon threw on a jacket and ran out of his house to his car. he backed out of the driveway and  tried to stay within the speed limit as he drove to the small starbucks that he was now informed jin worked at.

he jumped out of his car, locked it, and jogged to the door. he then opened the door and shut it behind him to keep out the cold. he looked over to the counter and saw jin.

he looked just as perfect in person, if not more perfect. namjoon felt like he had literal heart eyes when he saw jin.

the boy was looking out the window, not paying attention to the door.

namjoon didn't feel ready to talk to jin, not just yet, so he sat at a table for a while with his hood up.

it felt right being in the same room as jin, even if they were metres apart, and jin hadn't got a clue that namjoon was there.

jin looked up from whatever he was doing and very almost made eye contact with namjoon, but namjoon looked down and pretend he was on his phone.

jin took his phone out for the remaining 5 minutes of his shift and texted namjoon.


pinkprincess; I caught a guy in here staring at me

pinkprincess; at least I think he was staring at me

pinkprincess; he's pretty cute ;D

dimplemonster; put that dirty mouth away im the only one you should be calling cute.

pinkprincess; sorry papi it won't happen again ;) 


namjoon looked up to find that jin wasn't on his phone anymore and instead one of his friends was.


dimplemonster; give jin his phone back smh

pinkprincess; how did u know this wasn't him

dimplemonster; because he doesn't call me papi + he despises winky faces

pinkprincess; scheisse


namjoon looked up again, seeing that jin had now taken his phone back from his friend, and they were both laughing.

it was slightly inaudible from the other side of the shop, and underneath the hood, but namjoon still liked the sound of jins laugh.



dimplemonster; I know baby

pinkprincess; how

dimplemonster; because you don't call me papi

dimplemonster; but you should ;)

pinkprincess; go home satan


namjoon looked up once more, to see jin smiling down at his phone. he saw a hint of pink on jin's cheeks, even from a distance.


dimplemonster; if you're not blushing rn im gonna be triggered

pinkprincess; well you're in luck because I am

dimplemonster; good

pinkprincess; oop I need to go tell the cute guy that we're closing bye :)

dimplemonster; tell him how cute he is


jin came out from behind the counter and made his way over to the table in the corner where namjoon was sitting.

namjoon could hear his heart beating in his chest as jin approached him.

"hi.. uh.. we're closing in three minutes" jin said.

namjoon looked up at jin and put his hood down.

jin's eyes widened as he looked at namjoon.

"alright. bye, jin." namjoon smiled. he got up from his seat, walked past jin and straight out the door.

jin was left, confused. he pulled his phone out and hurried to message namjoon.



dimplemonster; I can't baby, but you'll see me again soon. don't you worry your little ass ;)

pinkprincess; skjskjskskjkjs

dimplemonster; btw ur little ass looks very nice ;)

pinkprincess; ihy

dimplemonster; I know baby

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