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ok, I decided I wasn't going to take that much time off writing because this is a way for me to stop overthinking, so heres a nice chapter for you

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ok, I decided I wasn't going to take that much time off writing because this is a way for me to stop overthinking, so heres a nice chapter for you. tea to come.

the police confirmed that kim namjoon, going by the name rap monster, was definitely dead quite a while after seokjin was sent the picture of him, but he had no idea that they had no way of being sure that it was actually namjoon that they found. jin hoped that somewhere, no matter how unlikely it was, his love was still alive. not even the millions of fans namjoon had wanted that more than jin did. jin loved him more than all of them combined ⎯⎯ his love was never ending.

since then the now pink-haired boy had lived his life a lot less bubbly than he used to. his days were dull and his enthusiasm had dropped by miles. hoseok would try to cheer him up but it never worked well enough. yoongi checked on him regularly, even though the younger was probably in just as much pain as jin. taehyung stayed over often, comforting jin when he can't sleep and when he would break down.

the only new person jin had accepted into his life since namjoon's passing was someone taehyung introduced him to. his name was jungkook. he was very talented, and very good-hearted. he cheered the older up almost as much as hobi did, which no one - other than namjoon - had ever been able to do before.

and right now jin was sitting in a dark room, curled up in a ball on the cosy sofa that him and hoseok had, wrapped in a thick, fluffy, grey blanket that used to belong to namjoon. the blanket comforted him, kept that hope that he had. it reminded him of his love, without something like that he would be even more broken than he was. it kept a warmth in his cold body, breaking through the numbness.

there was a younger, black-haired boy placed next to jin. he had dark, shining eyes, a cute little nose and a warming smile. his skin was smooth, apart from the scar he had on his left cheek, but jin liked the scar, jin sees scars as a way to prove that people are still human, and they show the past. this boy was jungkook.

on the other side of jin was another younger, black-haired boy. taehyung ⎯⎯  the boy with his famous rectangular grin, perfect face and full eyebrows, with the apples of his cheeks popping out with his smiles.

the three boys were watching the breakfast club on netflix, and jin couldn't help but think of the multiple times he had spent watching this movie with namjoon. he began to feel the tears welling up in his eyes before shaking them away, rubbing his eyes and focusing on the screen.

the youngest of the three, jungkook, got up.

"where are you going, jungkookie?" taehyung asked, sitting up from his weird position on the sofa.

"didn't I tell you I had to leave at ten?" jungkook replied, slipping his jacket on and picking up his phone. taehyung shrugged.

"well, I have to go. I'll see you guys tomorrow?" he questioned.

"okay, g'night jungkookie." tae said, slumping back down into the position he was in before.

"bye.." jin mumbled, giving a small, sad smile and refocusing on the television. with that jungkook waved and walked out of the door, leaving just taehyung and jin.

"jin.." the younger boy started, sitting up again, "there's something I have to tell you.."

"what is it, tae?" the candy floss haired boy replied, keeping his eyes glued to the screen. he didn't like these kinds of conversations, because with that first sentence his mind would instantly switch to namjoon.

"it-... it was jungkook." he said.

"what was jungkook?"

"...he-... he was the one who sent you the picture of namjoon.." looks like this time jin's mind was right when it directed straight to the thought of his late boyfriend.

jin unravelled his limbs from the little ball he was sitting in and sat up straight, now facing taehyung. he hadn't heard namjoon's name being spoken in so long that it made him feel sick. so sick that he genuinely debated whether he should run to the bathroom or not. the name brought back the image in seokjin's head of his love, hurt and lifeless. it broke him into so many pieces, and he definitely lost a lot of those pieces ⎯⎯ he'll never be the same again. never.

"w-what?" he managed to choke out after he snapped back into reality, his mouth going dry.

"the picture you got when he went missing.. it was from jungkook.." taehyung responded, looking down into his lap.

"..y-you're telling me that jungkook did-.. that.. to him?" jin questioned, pearl shaped tears beginning to roll down his cheeks at the thought of namjoon again. all the younger boy could do was nod.

"why didn't you tell me sooner..?" he asked, the tears still flowing steadily down his face and his breaths shaky as taehyung bit the inside of his lip in guilt. jin held the blanket closer to him as he tried to calm himself down.

"j-jungkook said he'd h-hurt you if I told you.." tae answered. to be truly honest, taehyung still liked jin. he didn't want to risk the older getting hurt even more.

but what happened with jungkook and namjoon, taehyung was about to explain in the best detail he could, making sure that he would stop to comfort jin when needed.

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