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memereview; hehehhehehyeheyheyheyhey

pinkprincess; namjoon im literally just upstairs why couldnt you come up here

pinkprincess; also wtf is ur username

memereview; because thats effort and im tired and I want you to come down here and kiss me ;( also meme review

pinkprincess; no u can come find me urself stalker

memereview; excuse moi I am not a stALKER

pinkprincess; ye u are

pinkprincess; how did you even find my ig

memereview; I was ssssearching for people to message and then wham there you are with your lil profile picture and ur 6666 followers and that box that says 'follow' and then after that the box that says 'message' and fun fact I clicked them both

pinkprincess; wow what a great story :')

pinkprincess; im crying in the club


pinkprincess; you already did with ur username but ok carry on

memereview; so before I clicked the message button I stalked your profile for like an hour

memereview; bc u know ur hot as sHIT and I was scrolling past all the memes and the photography (sorry) and the other memes just to find the pictures of u

memereview; but o f c they're all old pictures

memereview; so I was like 'yo I gotta message this angel and get more pictures'

pinkprincess; flattered

memereview; and then before I messaged you I was like 'do I want nudes or do I not want nudes'

memereview; and ofc the answer to that question was yes

memereview; its always yes

pinkprincess; no ty satan

memereview; but I can wait

memereview; so I just hit u with a lovely couple of pickup lines which im sure u remember very well

pinkprincess; "ur hands look nice, but they'd look nicer in my pants ;)" and "u should come over to my place and we can watch porn on my mirror ;)"

memereview; both of which you ignored

memereview; I had so much creativity and you were like nOPE don't want ur dick today mr rap monster

memereview; and now suddenly ur all for me ;D

pinkprincess; shut it rap boy

memereview; shut what

pinkprincess; ur mouth

memereview; ill shut my mouth around your dick

pinkprincess; nAMJOON

memereview; I saw the opportunity and I took it you should be proud

pinkprincess; is it too late to block you

hands ⟶ namjinWhere stories live. Discover now