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the next morning jin woke up to find that namjoon was no longer there. he got up and went downstairs to see namjoon sitting in the kitchen, holding his head.

"hangover?" jin asked, sitting next to him.

"hangover." namjoon replied, taking a drink from the bottle of water he had in front of him.

"do you remember anything?"

"i remember a guy staring at me for like an hour and then he tried to talk to me and then you appeared," he said, sitting back in his chair, "and then we came back here and then i think we just fell asleep."

jin nodded.

"yeah, that sounds about right." he said, running his hand through his hair and looking at namjoon. even while his hair was messy and he looked so tired, the boy still looked good.

namjoon's phone started buzzing on the table and playing his ringtone very loudly. namjoon covered his ear with one of his hands, pressed his shoulder against his other ear and picked the phone up, turning it down and answering.

namjoon started apologising to the person on the phone. it lead jin to believe that it was maybe his boss. but then he started saying other things that stopped that belief from taking a spot in jin's mind. he sounded like he was someones boss. jin had so many questions about namjoon's job, but decided now was not the best time to ask them as namjoon was dealing with a hangover.

he put the phone down and took another sip from his water.

"I need to go to work. I'll text you, okay?" jin said, standing up.

namjoon nodded, walking with jin to the door. they shared a quick hug before jin left, driving home and then getting to work.

jin hoped his phone would buzz while he was working his shift, but there was nothing coming from it as it sat in his pocket. he wanted to text namjoon but he had to keep serving customers, he currently didn't have time, even though he really wanted to do anything else.

a guy wearing a black jacket walked through the door. he had titanium blonde hair and he was looking down at his phone when he bumped into a table.

jin held back a laugh as the guy frowned at the table and made his way over to the counter.

"hey, can I take your order?" jin said, still trying not to laugh.

"im looking for hoseok, he's here right?" the guy asked, rubbing his hip from where he walked into the table, jin holding in another laugh.

"hoseok!" jin called, waiting for a second before his friend ran out of the door behind him.

"oh, hey yoongi." hoseok said, smiling at the guy, who was now named as yoongi, "jin, this is yoongi, my uhhhh friend. he raps."

yoongi scoffed. "we weren't just friends last night sunshine."

hoseok blushed and covered his face, jin laughing.

"so you rap?" jin asked as yoongi sat at the counter.

"yeah, I've been trying to get hoseok into it too but he seems to prefer working at starbucks for some reason. and my other friend, joon, raps too." yoongi explained.

jin looked up from what he was doing.

"joon?" he asked. it couldn't be namjoon, right?

yoongi nodded.

"he says I can't say his full name because he has to keep his identity a secret. he's a really good rapper though, and he's getting pretty big with his music. I was meant to be working with him this morning but he had a hangover so he couldn't."

jin thought for a moment. what was the name of namjoon's friend who's party he went to last night? yoongi. namjoon was hungover this morning. he wouldn't tell jin what his job was. jin pulled his phone out and went to text namjoon.


pinkprincess; so yoongi's sitting here in starbucks

dimpledaddy; tell him I said he needs to come to work rn otherwise imma whoop his ass

pinkprincess; so he works with you?

dimpledaddy; uh yeah

pinkprincess; but hobi told me he's a rapper

dimpledaddy; oh he did

pinkprincess; yeah, but he works with you, does that make you a rapper?

dimpledaddy; psh no

pinkprincess; namjoon

dimpledaddy; yes it does make me a rapper

dimpledaddy; but not a good one

dimpledaddy; im not a big rapper

dimpledaddy; I just work alongside yoongi

dimpledaddy; hes pretty big

dimpledaddy; I help him write n stuff

dimpledaddy; he pays me

dimpledaddy; $$$$

pinkprincess; mk

pinkprincess; so you're telling yoongi to come into work when its him who you're working for?

dimpledaddy; yeah he slacks a lot

dimpledaddy; I have to make sure he doesn't slack too much

dimpledaddy; n tell him to come into work and stuff

pinkprincess; okay

pinkprincess; but yoongi works with really big rappers too

dimpledaddy; yeah he does

pinkprincess; he told me he's worked with rm wtf

dimpledaddy; wtf? is that a good wtf?

pinkprincess; yes a very good wtf rm's great

dimpledaddy; he is?

dimpledaddy; I mean yeah he is

dimpledaddy; you listen to him a lot?

pinkprincess; yeah a lot

dimpledaddy; oh boy thats pretty cool

pinkprincess; I just wish he would show his face smh

dimpledaddy; I bet hes hotter than me

pinkprincess; debatable

dimpledaddy; :)))))

dimpledaddy; I bet hes ugly compared to u bb

pinkprincess; næ

dimpledaddy; oh shit I got to get back to work

dimpledaddy; bye jinnie

pinkprincess; bye bye


so namjoon was a rapper, but he wasn't a big rapper, and he worked with yoongi. yoongi worked with rm. does that mean namjoon worked with rm?

jin was very confused but he decided to just push it to the back of his head and not think about it.

it's not like namjoon was huge in music, right?

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