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namjoon paced around the waiting room. he was practically pulling his hair out with anticipation. he needed jin to be okay. 

in the accident he had suffered a concussion and received cuts and bruises all over. namjoon currently wasn't allowed to see jin as they were x-raying him for broken bones, which just made namjoon panic more. he wouldn't know what to do if he lost his love.

eventually jin woke up, giving namjoon the opportunity to see him.

"im sorry for scaring you, joonie.." jin mumbled weakly. namjoon hugged jin as tight as he could without hurting his boyfriend, who hugged back without hesitation.

"I love you jin." namjoon said, kissing the top of jin's head.

"I love you too." he replied.

after being discharged from the hospital something seemed off with jin. of course he was still healing and he'd gone through a lot of trauma, but something else was wrong, but namjoon couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. he wasn't eating properly and he wasn't talking as much as usual. namjoon also noticed he hadn't been sleeping well, waking up in the night and skipping multiple hours of sleep.

namjoon seemed to completely forget that the crash wasn't just jin. other people were harmed too, and a friend of jin's was one of those people.

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