Chapter 9

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" Get on with it, Captain. That squid ink's going to wear off soon", Zelena whines.

" Killian... you and I both know that you can't hurt me... ", Scarlett says, trying her best to keep her emotions hidden.

" While that may be true... you took my memories, Scar. You tried to keep me from knowing the truth. And now I'm going to return the favor", Killian says, bringing the dream catcher up to Scarlett's forehead to remove her memories.

" That wasn't... my doing".

" Sure, Emma is the one with the dream catchers... but you're the puppet master, love".

" By the look on your face, it would appear someone needs restraining. No more magic for you, Zelena says as she places the magic resistant cuff on Scarlett's wrist, making her cry out, " Now, I assume given my helpfulness, you'll allow me to go about my business undeterred".

" As long as you don't get in my way, I won't get in yours", Killian says.

" Ah. I like this new you. Tell me, how does it feel to be a Dark One?".

" It feels like I've been reborn".

A soon as he and Zelena disappear, Scarlett drops down to the floor, clutching her stomach as she yells in pain.

She makes her way over to the couch, laying down as tears start to form in her eyes from the pain.

" Scarlett! Oh, my baby, what's wrong?", Regina asks after a few hours when everyone barges in.

But then after she explains...

" You turned Hook into a Dark One?".

" It was the only way to save him", Scarlett says.

" And you didn't think of the consequences to everyone else?".

" I thought about the consequences of my children growing up without a father!... I couldn't just let him die. You can understand that".

" Well, yes, we have a bigger problem".

" I didn't think any of this would happen".

" Scarlett... I think you should tell them", Emma suggests.

" I-I can't... not yet", Scarlett says, not daring to let her tears fall.

" This still doesn't explain why you kidnapped a baby", Snow says.

" All I can tell you is that it was to save my children", She says.

" You should have come to us", Regina says.

" And risk losing someone else? I almost lost my husband to the darkness... and I'm not willing to lose anyone else".

" Right now, we have to clean up this mess".

" No, we don't. Give us back our memories-- the dream catchers. Regina can access them, can't she? We can piece together Hook's plan and stop him", Snow says.

" I'm afraid now", David says as he and Grant walk into the room, " The dream catchers you said were in the shed... they're gone".

" I told you we should have put them somewhere better", Emma says.

" Shut up, Swan", Scarlett groans.

" What the hell is Captain Dark One up to?", Regina asks.


"{chuckles} Once a pirate, always a pirate", Scarlett says as she toys with the cutlass Killian gave to her father for their duel.

" As a man, Hook spent centuries trying to kill me. It makes sense that revenge would be on his mind", Gold says.

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