Chapter 19

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Scarlett sat down on a chair, her stomach aching as she tells the group her story of the Underworld.

" Regina... you sent your own daughter to hell?", Snow asks.

" Get off your high horse. That was all Rumple", Regina says.

" Why is this the first time hearing about this?", Killian asks.

" I didn't think you would want to hear about my first love...", Scarlett says.

" How did you escape?", Grant asks, trying to keep things on track.

" There used to be a portal in the grave yard. It was a... glitch in the system, so to speak. But, I checked it out. When he found out about my escape, Hades must have closed it", She responds.

" And the woman in the torn page... who was she?", Robin asks.

" I have no idea".

" Are you sure?".

" Yes, Robin. I'm sure".

" Was there anything--".

" Listen dude, just because you're boning my mom doesn't make you my dad. Capiche?".

" Scarlett!", Her mother scolds.

" Sorry", Scarlett mumbles, " Hormones".

" You're worse than I was when I was pregnant with you".

" Didn't you try to kill a cow because it was skinnier than you?".

" Why do I tell you things?".


" You think a desperate man would work a little quicker".

" Magic cannot be rushed.Creating a portal is no easy task".

" Yes. Yes, I know. But we don't have a dark curse, a magic bean, or silver slippers. We have something better-- your Dark One tainted blood. It got you down here. It can reopen the portal", Hades says as he takes his seat in his barber shop chair.

" Why do you even need a portal? You can come and go as you like?", Rumple asks, stopping his spinning straw into gold.

" But I can't bring anyone back-- alive. By combining our powers... that can change. And I don't care how painful it is for you".

With a simple flick, the contract appears in Hades hand.

" So, if you want me to tear up this contract so the mothers to be are mothers to be... you won't care about the pain, either".

" You must tell me where you want this portal directed".

" Why Storybrooke, of course".

Hades' plan was to bring Zelena's baby down to the Underworld. The portal worked.


Not only did it bring Zelena's baby... but Zelena and Belle, as well.

Meanwhile in the Underworld Charming apartment...

" What a fascinating story of Snow White's breakfast", Killian sarcastically remarks as they read the pages Henry wrote, " Is my morning breakfast in there, too? Henry, I thought you were going to use your author powers to get us to defeat Hades".

" I don't remember writing any of this. I just woke up and had it done", Henry says.

" Okay... it's... really well written", Emma says.

" Yes, and the illustrations are lovely", Regina says.

Scarlett rolls her eyes so hard you could almost hear it.

" You guys are such moms", She says.

" Maybe if you focus harder--", Emma starts.

" Oh. So you guys are all authors now? Everyone's a writer. Everyone's got an idea. I'm doing my best. Maybe if you just laid off for a little bit...", Henry says as he collects his things.

" Where are you going?", Regina asks.

" Upstairs", He responds, then walks up the stairs.

" Well, we officially have a teenager on our hands", Emma says.

{knock, knock, knock}

" And a visitor in our Underworld apartment", Regina says.

Emma goes to open the door, and who else is on the other side... but Zelena.

" I thought I smelled cucumbers", Scarlett remarks.

" So, someone finally did you in", Regina says.

" Sorry to disappoint, but I'm very much alive", Zelena says.

" Then how did you get here?", Robin asks.

" Through a portal. And I didn't come alone".

" Who else is here?".

" Our baby... and she's in danger".

With that, Robin instantly grabs his bow.

"Where are you off to?".

" To find our daughter".

" What about a tracking spell?".

" We don't have anything of the child's", Regina says.

" I don't need magic. I can find her. I lived for years in the forest. I can track anyone", Robin says.

" Right, because I forgot to read the part of the story where Robin Hood was a detective", Scarlett remarks, earning a side-eye from her mother.

" I mean she's not wrong", Grant shrugs.

One look from Regina and he quickly backs down.

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