15: Wanting Him, Wanting Her

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Promises lingered closer than two hearts about to be joined could gather through. Preparations were a wonderful sideline for when the orchestra of a choir struck its first chords echoing through blossoming hearts.

Flarion twirled around, looking at herself in the mirror. Her layered white dress followed gracefully in the same direction. The seamstress looked at her with wonder in her eyes. She was beautiful in it and was the perfect fit that hugged her curves elegantly. Her veil was studded with small white flowers and pearls on the pins that fastened it to her hair.

"You look stunning in it, dear." The seamstress said while unpinning the veil from Flarion's head.

Flarion smiled. "Thank you."

"Now, get off that dress before your fiancé sees you in it. It won't be a surprise anymore before the wedding." The seamstress helped her down the platform and into the changing room just so Flarion could be in her casual clothes again.

She waited at the lounge of the shop for Kerxis and Castellone who were on the other side of the men's fitting room with their tailor. It didn't take a while before Castellone went out and saw her on the couch. He was wearing a white tux trimmed with royal blue silk on the hem and had the same color of bowtie. He had a frown on his face. It made her wonder why.

"What's the matter?" Flarion asked and stood to approach him.

"I don't like being in this thing. Can't you ask Kerxis to pick someone else?"

Flarion noticed his bowtie had gone askew and decided to fix it. He was almost the same height as Kerxis, perhaps he'd grow a few inches more. She knew he was being childish by that. "Llone, being your brother's best man should be an honor. Do it for him, for us." Then she noticed how uncomfortable his expression grew further. "Please?"

Great, the profound use of begging. If it wasn't such an important occasion for his brother, he wouldn't even be in the shop right now. He sighed before looking at her. "Fine."

When Flarion finished fixing his bowtie, she patted his shoulder and smiled. "Why don't you invite that little girl along too?"

"What little girl?" It was a tad late when Castellone realized she was referring to the runt. "Oh, her. Why would I invite her? This is your wedding."

"And I'm asking you to invite her. Here, I have an extra invitation." Flarion fished an envelope from her shoulder bag and handed it to him. "There's no name yet so be the one to fill her name in there, okay?"

What was with her motherly tone? She was basically like an older sister to him, but then her gentleness was too unsettling. It might take time before he finally got used to her especially because she's going to be a part of their family soon. But he still couldn't get why she wanted Abrielle at the wedding.

"Who's that invitation for?"

They turned to look at Kerxis. He was in a white tailcoat suit matched with a silver wrist watch and royal blue necktie.

"What do you think?" He asked Flarion while presenting the finished piece of his tailor.

Flarion bit her lower lip and eyed the outfit. To her, he appeared so proper, it was such a dream. He looked confident and proud that she knew the Signos' parents missed this once in a lifetime opportunity to see their son in it. But when silence strike and the threads were finally trimmed, it was time for eternity.

She smiled and then nodded. "It looks great."

Kerxis turned to his brother. "And the extra invitation?"

Castellone shrugged. "I planned to invite Genon, Blaze and Sirius along. They're basically like your brothers too."

Flarion tilted her head at him and placed a hand on her hips. She raised a brow at him like a warning gesture. Castellone avoided her gaze and stared at his brother instead, hoping the lie would get through.

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