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He'll confess now.

"What are we doing here, Romeo?"

"I have something to tell you." He shyly said.

"O-okay.what is it?"

"Promise me first that you won't laughed, you will listen, and nothing will change after this."

She laughed softly. "I promise."


"Start now, Romeo" the way he says his name was sweet.

"At the party, were I first saw you.  You caught my eye and I even forgot that I was there because of someone. At the moment that we both removed the mask and I saw you everything turned blur and you and me was the only one can clearly viewed and a slow motion also did. I was so irritated because I don't like dancing but when the music stops and I saw you, it feels that I want to dance like forever. My heart at that moment was beating so damn fast. I know it was wrong 'cause I loved someone and I should feel it only on her but no, I felt it on you, so much on you. Juliet, this feeling is new to me I mean this feeling that I felt for you, it was deep." His hands are shaking when he captured Juliet's face. "Juliet, i think..ahm no! I know and I feel it.I've fallen for you, Juliet. I love you."

Juliet's face was an explainable. He can't read her expression. Is he rejected?

"Hey." He patted Juliet's head. "Speak up." He laughed slighty. "Any comment?" he's sweating

"I-I don't k-know what to say"

"Did I shock you?"

She nodded."A bit.ahmm"


"Y-you confessed, right?"

"Yes, I did."

"I have an answer to that."

"Really?" He is nervous.

She nodded."listen up, okay?"

"Sure. I will."

"The first time I saw you after that dance.. I don't know what happenned to me I can't stop myself for thinking of you, your face always flash through my mind everytime, My heart beat is unexplainable. At the time that I slowly get to know you I think that is also the time that I fell inlove with you." He's shocked. Really shocked. He didn't expected this to happen..what he  expected to happen is to be slapped by her or something but not this. And he was happy for this to happen. Really happy.

He hugged her and in his surprise she hugged her even tighter.

"So, are we together now?"

She nodded. "Yes, Romeo, we do" she smiled and suddenly that smile fade away. "Romeo, what are we going to do if our families knew about this?you knew that my parents wants me to marry Paris, don't you?"

He pinched the tip of her nose. "If they knew about this?it's good." Juliet narrowed her eye on him. "It is good because we don't need to hide and I'll fight for you I won't let you be married at that man I'll show how much I love you. I don't want to see you walking on the isle and that man was the man who's waiting for you at the altar. That should be me, Juliet. And it will gonna be me, I promise."

"Thank you for loving me that much, Romeo."

"It is a privilage to love you and to be loved by you so thank you too.."

ROMEO&JULIET[Revised Version]Where stories live. Discover now