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*Capulet's House*

"My king, Juliet didn't eat since yesterday and she didn't get out of her room.. I'm worried for her health"

"What!?But why?" Juliet's father seemed so worried.

"I don't know why... But I thought she has fever."

"My lady, we should  tell the nurse to cure her as soon as possible to prevent it from worse thing"

"Yeah right... I should call the nurse now.."

After Lady Capulet call the nurse, the nurse went to Juliet's room immediately.

She knocked on the door three times but no one open it. It's good that she brought the key so that she can open it without her knowing. She saw Juliet crying under her pillow, and she moved closer to Juliet and asked.

"Why are you crying Juliet.. You have a problem? They said that you didn't eat and get out this room since yesterday... You can tell me your problem."

"I wan't to explain anything to him... --but he wouldn't want to listen to me"

"Who is he?"

"You know him... He is Romeo from Montagues"

"W-what? What's the problem? I thought your together and you love each other"

"Yes. but he saw me with Paris yesterday at the woods--"she paused.


"He saw Paris kissing me and he didn't give me a chance to explain it further to him"she sobbed again.

"Shh.. Don't worry everything will be fine, for now eat this" the nurse gave her a soup. "And then take this too" she gace her the medicine.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

Juliet is still crying.

"Can you tell me everything?"

"Sure.I trusted you."

After Juliet eated and take her medicine she told everything to their Nurse.

"I'll do something about this, Juliet."


"Yes. I don't want to see you cry like that again."

Juliet just smiled.

The nurse moved back to her clinic to get her belongings. She'll talk to Benvolio.

The nurse hurriedly went to the Palace of Montagues.

"Could you call Prince Benvolio?"

"Who are you?" The knight asked.

"I'm...ahh..his friend." She answered.

"Who are you talking with?"Benvolio asked without looking.

"She said she's your friend."The knight answered.

He instantly looked at her.

"Hey, lady"he winked.

She rolled her eyes on him.

"What brings you here?"

"My feet." So savage of her.He rolled his eyes. She laughed. "Kidding aside"

"Yeah right, now, what do you need?"

"You." He smirks."I mean your help"

"Oh. What kind of help?"

"A help that will stop Juliet from crying and Romeo anger."

"Oh for that. Romeo looks like shit this past few days."

"So as Juliet."

"That two"

"Romeo didn't let Juliet explain, that was gross."

"I know."

"And since you're his cousin, I'll tell you everything that happened and you'll tell it to him."

"Copy.start it."

She then start telling Benvolio what really happened evem before Romeo came there and saw Paris kissing Juliet.

ROMEO&JULIET[Revised Version]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ